Who is Charlotte Owen ? Why did Boris Johnson make this 30 year old young lady the youngest peer in the house of Lords .She is now a Baroness. And why did Boris when he was London mayor give £126,000 of tax payers money to another attractive young lady .Jennifer Arcuri. What have these two young ladies done to deserve such rewards from Boris. ?
What the heck.This HOL krapp is surely a stain on British society.How much do we pay to these useless eejits.I,for one,am highly peeved off with this nonsense.A properly elected chamber of about thirty or forty of the best minds and ex-politicians in Britain would/should be sufficient.Rant over.
//Why did Boris Johnson make this 30 year old young lady the youngest peer in the house of Lords//
He didn't. As I understand it the out-going Prime Minister may nominate people but they are checked by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. Nine of Boris's nominations were rejected.
Gulliver, your obsession with Boris's sex life is unhealthy.
What are your views on the HOL,Naomi?Surely this anachronistic relic should be consigned to the past.From what i see 99% of them are fast asleep all the time...and we are paying them a grand a day for sleeping.A new broom needed methinks.
Naomi 07.39 Yes! Boris did make this 30 year old young lady the youngest peer in the House of Lords. No matter how you try to get him off the hook Furthermore no one has mentioned Boris's sex life until you joined this thread. You seem obsessed with it .
@08.19.AB editor,surely the word "***" or"rimmed"should not be a proscribed word.We are all mostly grown up adults on this site.If these words are proscribed on AB,count me out of AB.