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Sunak and Hunt.

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gulliver1 | 10:15 Mon 08th Apr 2024 | News
73 Answers

Rishi and Jeremy Have taken a pair of bolt cutters to the triple lock rise for State pensioners.By giving them a £692 a year rise for Basic pension with one hand, and taking back £530 with the other hand in Tax. Due to freezing the tax threshold. Hunt could come up with this one.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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My private pension will be reduced because the tax threshold is staying the same. Mrs Clarion is not affected as she doesnt have a private pension.With my state pension, private pension and Mrs Clarions' state pension, our total income is £21k. Because of my private pension, neither of us qualifies for Pension Credit. Our total income is massively below...
12:55 Mon 08th Apr 2024

...so how are your figures arrived at?

13:04, judge welcome to the: Can we get an ounce of sense out of an eejit? club!

The triple lock relates to the annual rise in pensions, to ensure it rises by a minimum of I think it's 2.5 percent annually.

It doesn't say anything about taxes raised elsewhere.

Most people agree that the so called "triple lock" is unsustainable long term.

ich, the rise will push some over the tax free threshold and thus they will pay 20% on that bit but what we can't fathom is why Einstien thinks the rate will be 76.5%.

If the triple lock is unsustainable & abolished it will only see the value of the OAP eroded as measured against inflation & the rise in workers earnings.

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It's another case of stupid Toryism. A massive amount of pensioners have always voted Tory.  That's how to shoot yourself in both feet with both barrels.lol🤣😂

I missed the pun ( ed) fiscal drag which is what we are discussing here, isnt a pun.  It isnt even a nonsense phrase where one bit denies the next - like Police service, or military intelligence.

My deah late mutha ( mutti) didnt want to pay tax on anything over the age of eighty ( her age not the object's) and wdnt accept, life just isnt Like That

why wont you tell us how you calculate your figures?

Gullz - you cant say Stupid Tories - goes against the un-mimsy rule ( every post shall be mimsy)

AND a mod was telline me before they deleted my post ( with a flourish) some Tories arent stupid ( apparently) and object to such an insulting degrading and abusive term

I hestitate to allege that it was a Tory mod that done it. - No no, such conflict of interest cannot - will not -  must not - be present here

A massive amount of pensioners have always voted Tory. 

that should be 'number' really

massive number....  -  and the implication is that Labour wont tax them? I really dont think that is so

There was an excellent programme on Radio 4 about NI and pensions last week: part of the "Briefing Room" series. Worth catching up with on BBC Sounds if missed it and have time.

The personal tax allowance is £12570.

There are two different state pensions in operation at the moment.

The basic state pension for those who reached pension age before 2016 is £8814 a year.

The state penion for those who reached pension age after 2016 is £11502 a year

Both rates are within the personal allowance limits.  

....so we are still waiting for Geniusy McGeniusface to tell us how he arrived at his figures in the OP. Right oh!

He doesn't let the facts get in the way of a rant.  

Give it up Tora - if you didn't get it after the second time of asking you are not going to get it after the 8th time of asking!

....maybe he's taken his shoes and socks off and is working out....could take a while.

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TTT 13.06 Please refrain from criticizing what you can not understand. OK.

13:36 ..just trying to understand, perhaps you can help by telling how you calculated the figures in your OP.

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I can well understand you radicalised Tories getting worried on AB .I do feel sorry for the future of your beloved Tory party.But it entirely your own fault. RIP .

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