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Will You Join Me In Congratulation Diane Abbott On...

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sandyRoe | 19:28 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
34 Answers

...'Mother of the House '?

She's served her constituents well for many years and now will be able to act as a mother hen figure to all the new MPs who could profit from her wisdom and sage advice.





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Well said she's a champagne socialist.

It's a tradition that the longest running mp is called the father or mother of the house. This is done without making judgments on their popularity.

she is an extremely popular local MP and a very effective advocate for her constituents. i think she is excellent. 

Diane Abbott, the genius who stated that "On balance, Mao did more good than harm"?  No, she is a dangerous idiot.

When my daughter in law met her at work (she's a nurse), she turned up in odd shoes and appeared to be drunk, getting name of the hospital wrong.

a century ago Russia and China  were peasant economies while the sun never set on the British empire. Now, thanks to Stalin and Mao, those countries are superpowers and Britain is not. Like them or not, they played the power game and came out on top.

I think she is unwell and has been for some time.

I think she's doing a Biden.

11.58om - wow!

untitled; //she is an extremely popular local MP and a very effective advocate for her constituents. i think she is excellent. //

With that, you have shot yourself in the foot & just about lost all credibility ! 😄

If anyone was honest they would agree that she has kept her position almost entirely because she is black and so are nearly 50% of her constituents. Undoubtedly bright and capable once but if a white woman MP had made the number of incredible gaffes she has they'd have been off the radar years ago.

If only Leonard was still around they'd have made a formidable team.

Sadly, like Mr Biden, this lady should be allowed to see out her years in peace.  Instead for some reason they are pushed on and become a figure of ridicule.


I'd be more inclined to congratulate were it for something earned. Getting reelected time and again, and appearing to be out of one's depth in the appointed roles, doesn't seem to warrant it. Still, maybe she will shine in this one.

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