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Icj Rules Occupation Of Palestine Illegal

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Untitled | 14:26 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | News
48 Answers

the ICJ has ruled that the occupation of gaza, the west bank, and the golan heights by Israel is illegal and has ordered that country to end these occupations and return to its pre-1967 borders

should we sanction israel if they refuse?



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well done untittled - I wondered who the three Guilty Men were

and of course Why Havent They Been Suspended?

The Opinion is a terrible read - not recommended

against stupidity the very...

is not Cicero but - - a thousand years later, Schiller

@10.49.Suspended,Peter?Why?I am sure if they were virulently anti-semitic then they would be suspended or even banned.However i think passive anti-semitism among the usual crew is acceptable on AB.

Israel's PM is convinced his country is the victim, and will contiue warmongering under cover of that position.

I doubt he will take a moment's notice of any ruling by anyone he sees as not directly involved - i.e., anyone who fails to see the situation from his point of view.

Errr,Isreael were the victims on 7th October last year Andy.Have you forgotten about the Hamas terrorist attack already?

1,139 Died in the October 7th terrorist attack.

40,000 have died in Israel's retaliation.   
More Palestinian children and women have died than in Hamas' atrocity.

Both sides are trying to out evil each other. Neither side deserves our blind support.

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I agree gromit

Nice holiday destination for you both....


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Icj Rules Occupation Of Palestine Illegal

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