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Anyone but Harris, can you imagine being reminded that they have "a woman of colour" as president? She can barely say a sentence without those words.

// who should have the nomination //

it's difficult to understand how all the state democratic parties will have time between now and the election to agree on a candidate - never mind factoring the possibility of republicans mounting legal challenges to such a fundamental change to the democratic ticket at this late stage.

Step forward Michele Obama 

I hear Meghan Markle harbours ambition.

Good riddance.


A lot of people's fantasy candidate. As un-Trump as you can get. Highly respected and a reminder of better times.

Step forward, President-in-waiting, Donald J.Trump!  Let's go Brandon!

Sorry Hopkirk - typo!

Prince Harry is popular!

I've been called worse 

Bye Biden, the most useless President of the last 100 years.  Only about 4 years too late, but hey, thanks for nothing and enjoy a very long and happy retirement.  

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you could see biden was failing on many occasions, he should have withdrawn a while ago, he has had a long career on politics, i guess power goes to your head or you just cannot see your own failings health wise, we will never know if his wife may have had a word with him, it's time to spned time with her and his his sunset years.

The Democrats have a rich pool of talent to choose from; there's Nancy Pelosi a mere spring chicken at 84, the universally popular Hillary Clinton, or if we prefer continuation politics, make way for the prodigal son, completely sleaze-free innocent Hunter Biden?!  #trump2025

If the Dems are sensible, they won't go too far left.

They need to be attractive to Republicans who don't buy into the whole Trumpism thing.


It's going to get very complicated 



Absolutely - why on earth did he not step down weeks ago???

Lets hope they go with Kamala Harris, though, purely for the entertainment value.  She was given one job- yes one- by Joe Biden- which was to secure the southern border.  Imagine her success in that venture replicated across a whole nation...!

When they say he's stepping down lets hope he's got both hands on the rails.  

The right decision. Hope it'snot too late to stop TangoHitler.

Sinead - however...many American 100% need someone who isn't Trump to vote for. To put it into UK teens - imagine if you wanted to vote Liz Truss out but the only alternative was Jeremy Corbyn but at the last minute instead of Marxist Albert Steptoe you had someone not on first name terms with the Grim Reaper?

Good news for everyone concerned.

Also - Biden as worst President?


Ford, Carter, Bush Jnr, Nixon.

// She was given one job- yes one- by Joe Biden- which was to secure the southern border. //

Has she build an invisible wall that stretches for 8 metres?

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