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An American mate has mentioned Gavin Newsom...

The right decision, and hopefully not too late to offer a challenge to Donnie. 

Watching him and his lackies potentially being defeated by a black woman would be absolutely hilarious.

I don't think we have seen the last of the violence in this election. I reckon more blood will be spilt before November.

Which is more frightening, that Trump believes the fiction he spouts, or that so many Americans believe him?

"Only the Lord Almighty could convince me to quit."  Thankyou, Lord.

The same Lord that saved Trump from the assassin's bullet. What a benevolent God we have ... we are so blessed.

Biden has put his country before his own ambition... something trump would never even think of doing. 

this is good news for everyone except the fascists

There are complications about selecting someone other than Harris.

E.g all the money donated was to something called the Biden/Harris campaign. It's not so easy to just use that to fund two other people's campaign.

From what I've read so far, Harris has Biden's blessing and has accepted.  Oh dear.  :(

Problem is it solves one problem, but opens up a can of worms, quite literally. 

Jourdain, doesn't mean much at the moment. She has to convince the rest of the party to back her first.

Thanks Mozz - I hadn't realised that. Fingers crossed.

Surely Trump's the worst ever president.

Biden hasn't put his country before his own ambition.  He's been forced out.  And all the rest are fascists.  Carry on untitled.  🙄

If biden had clung on until the democrat convention he would have been their nominee without doubt... he could have done that obviously listened to the people urging him to go. he deserves credit for this

It's finally flushed!

Trump shows his true colours though.  When Trump was shot Biden was quite decent about him in his interview about it, yet when Biden decides to quit race there is nothing but abuse from Trump about him.

Trump owes Biden nothing- Biden's not been shot, he's been stabbed in the back by his own mates.

I just love the way Trump, a convicted criminal, calls Biden "Crooked".

Biden hasn't 'stepped Down' !  He's simply not putting himself forward as the Democrat nominee for election.

He will remain in office -as things stand- until after the election which means he will be in the White House probably until next January.

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