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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
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Britons heading for France and other EU Countries can expect to be fingerprinted and face long Border Queues ,thanks to Brexit.They will also have their photograph taken as they leave UK or on... ...
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Some eejit on the news channel saying "nucular" makes my blood boil. How can we have "journalists" who can't even talk, surely that's the basis for reporting on TV.
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I've been saying for years we should outsource prison places and low and behold... Now I'd... ...
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ToraToraTora As usual others follow a UK idea that we were too squeamish to follow ourselves. ...
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ToraToraTora every one knows a lie detector cannot be relied on which is why they don't use them in... ...
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A man has been sentenced to two years in prison for his role in a violent protest which erupted in a city centre last month. ...
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ToraToraTora Beggars belief ...
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ToraToraTora Labour: we are ditching the British ISA Can't have people saving their dosh can we! ...
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ToraToraTora New anti British PM apointed in France, what could go wrong? ...
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ToraToraTora "..In part, because so many of them are new, and after spending months (or years) being rude about the Tory government, aren’t used to being... ...
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ToraToraTora Such magnificent creatures slaughtered because some chinese bloke can't get it... ...
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ToraToraTora We want politicians who can multitask. ...
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Hereditary Peers to be kicked out of the House of Lords .      Well done Keir. Get rid of these scroungers.
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Sir Keir has now got his sights on the water bosses. Stop spreading your muck to make yourself a bigger bonus or face up to 2years in jail. What a great working PM. Go get em SK.
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ToraToraTora   ...
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Surely it's time to demolish it.
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ToraToraTora instead of all this thrashing about for pocket change? ...can someone tell the chancellor that rich non doms... ...
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I see the BBC is having to make more cuts. How about shutting down Radios 1, 2 and 3? There are so many commercial stations doing it as well or better.   I used to listen to Radio 2, but have... ...
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webbo3 The bins will be overflowing again, one out all out, Labour will cave in to every pay demand ...
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than goodness - listening to her talk irritates me immensly.  someone once said she always has an expression like she's just won an arguement with her husband too.

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