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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
127 Answers

Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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I think Smurf has the right approach. This individual was going crazy in an airport terminal surrounded by all types including young children.  He clearly had an issue with someone and the first line of  retribution as always would be the polis. Should the officer have kicked the man? No.  Do I understand why he did? Yes.  He was virtually street fighting for his and the lives of his colleagues - three taken to hospital and apparently one female officer hit so hard in her face that the nose was fractured with suspected eye damage.  If it took what occured to stop this guy I would have done the same, in fact as they were armed I would have shot him.  There was a threat to life.  Don't be so quick to criticise PP........

Maybe the police should organise a demonstration outside the local mosque in Rochdale against the violence shown against the policewoman at the airport. What's good for the goose...

I don't agree with that but why do some groups look to escalate issues that could have been avoided in the first place. 

Well said paul. This man would be dead if the incident had happened in any other country. We are too soft on criminals and too hard on those who put their lives at risk to try and keep the peace.

Glad we still have some plods left that'll take on the baddies. Nothing to see here....

The point is that the video shows the receiver of the kick is lying prone on the floor at the time, so it wouldn't be a case of fighting for his life against him. It seems to be a loss of control and deliberate attack on a subdued individual. Yes one can understand it being a human reaction but those in that position are meant to be more in control of themselves.


(Still if John Prescott can retaliate and claim it was just self defence; who knows.)

It wasn't a proper kick or stamp if it had been a proper stamp he'd have sqaushed hi head like a mellon. It was just a containment, part of training. In the US they'd have just shot him. Pound to a penny they were muslims.

//Youngmafbog - have you seen the video ?//

Videos can lie.  You need to understand the bigger picture before 'hanging' a man.  This has happened on multiple occasions in the past where the video is turned on 'at the right time' or only shows what the photographer wants you to see.

Interesting to know what you would have done, offer the fellow a cup of tea?


Yes, the footage is shocking, but it's only one side of the story. The body-cam footage of the policemen and women involved ought to be made public in order to counter this video and put some context into it.

The sooner this is done, the quicker the situation will hopefully de-escalate.

"It was just a containment, part of training."

What immediate threat was posed by the man's movement of his head that justified his head being kicked and stamped on?

Did he appear to be trying to reach for a weapon or attempting to get off the floor?

Didn't look that way to me.

If you look at the extended video there is more than one man involved. Also after the 'kick' the man was still struggling and tried to get up and was pushed back down again. If he'd been properly kicked in the head with force I doubt he would be still fighting. Give the poor police a break, three police officers were injured, one seriously. Police have lost respect as they get suspended for just doing their job. Criminals just  laugh at them, maybe if they think they might get their heads kicked in they might think twice about assaulting emergency workers.

10:12 bang on aunty, if either kick or stamp had been a proper one the bloke would not be trying to get up. The video does not show what led up to this so we don;t get the full context, typical trobscite journos trying to make the plod look bad.

"Also after the 'kick' the man was still struggling and tried to get up and was pushed back down again."

You have put the word "kick" in quotation marks as if the action were nothing to be concerned about.

Of course, the officer could have run toward the man like someone taking a free kick in a game of football but he didn't so are we all to be grateful for that?



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My final comment on this is this : If that had been a family member/friend ( please don't reply that a family member/friend wouldn't be in that position) would yo still have the same opinion ? End of story.


Corby loon sorry you've lost me off. Where does grateful come into the equation? I'm just saying let the police do the job they are paid to do instead of suspending them for defending themselves and others

Fbg if my friend had injured three police including breaking the nose of a police woman then I would say they got what they deserved

Not doing bad this thread about a nose breaking thug getting a bit of a return.


Attempted murder of a soldier though



Completely agree, Clone.  Whilst there is uproar at a police officer kicking a crazed guy at Manchester airport who put three police officers in hospital, no uproar at the attempted murder of a serving soldier!
We live in an upside down world!

AP, what was the officer defending himself from when he kicked the man in the head and stamped on it?


Future assault, TCL.

The police had taken a beating. 
They had finally Tasered him and had him handcuffed and face down on the ground, did they decide he was a posing a danger and decided the safest thing to do was kick him in the face and stamp on his head.

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