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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
127 Answers

Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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can someone change the title of this thread?!!!!!!!!!!!

What's the background, too much drink on the flight home?

People should know their limit.

davebro3- I reported the thread early on and asked Ed to amend the title, so I guess it's been decided to leave it now, especially as some of the replies about kilts and  'wasn't Glasgow' would look odd. It's perhaps too late now.

sandy- I'm not sure what the background was but I doubt it was alcohol  given who the arrested people were

// too much drink on the flight home? People should know their limit. //

Er, he is muslim, so unlikely.

The original incident involved 4 men fighting. If they were drunk  and they picked a fight with a sober man, chances are the drunks came off worse.

Aye, because Muslims don't drink, no drugs either.


-- answer removed --

Remove that ^


Different teen and a different year.

Don't all you lefties find it strange that no one filmed the yobs attacking the police?

There are now 5 videos of the incident and they show a further assault by the same officer. A man sat down who has been tasered and has his hands up is beaten to the floor and restrained. Meanwhile witnesses filming the incident are pepper sprayed.

We Mancunians don't treat lightly men who break women's noses.

// Don't all you lefties find it strange that no one filmed the yobs attacking the police? //

I find it strange that the Police have body cams and the airport has CCTV and none of that has been revealed. Why not?

"I find it strange that the Police have body cams and the airport has CCTV and none of that has been revealed. Why not?" - Because it would show the fluffy bunny lovely muslims being a bit naughty, we can't have that can we?

I hope that these men get everything that they deserve via the courts. BUT the police arn't paid to potentially give someone brain damage by kicking and stamping on the head. They are not judge, jury and executioner.

I'm left worried that someone who is licensed to carry a gun can lose his temper so easily...

As someone who has been a victim of police brutality years ago, maybe my judgment is coloured slightly, I'll admit!

have a day off, he did not lose his temper it was not a full kick or stamp, just a containment, the guy was still trying to get up anyway.

He shouldn't have done that.  End of.  ;o)

I think you need to watch the video again TTT. That dint look like containment. I am no leftie  but I do expect our police to act in a professional manner and his action was not professional. If you ask the vast majority of our largely decent coppers they would tell you the same, and in fact such actions only makes their job more difficult. And I am in no way justifying the provocation of the men fighting and assaulting the police

//he did not lose his temper it was not a full kick or stamp,//

Eh? Seriousy 3T?

So if someone did that to you, you wouldnt consider it an assault?

The man was on the floor and his right arm was tight against his side.

A woman was on his left side kneeling by him and leaning over him.

The man lifted his head up and the officer kicked him in the face.

The officer raised his leg to waist height and stamped on the man's head. At the same time, the woman moved her left hand to the man's head and she pulled it, causing the whole body to rotate.

Even as he was kicked in the face, stamped on and rotated, his arm did not move away from his right side.

TORATORATORA, other than raising his head, can you identify the movements the man on the floor made, prior to the kick and the stamp, that show he, "was still trying to get up anyway."?

//We Mancunians don't treat lightly men who break women's noses//

And quietly rightly so.

But its not up to your police force to kick and stamp on someones head either. Its up to the courts to decide the appropreiate punishment.


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