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Olympics Commentator Axed Over Sexist Remark

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Khandro | 07:45 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
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Yes, woke madness. This is a bloke commentating, making a completely harmless remark, nothing whatsoever offensive about it- it's the sort of thing my dad or brother would say.  A quiet word would have solved it- losing a job over it is utter madness.
09:29 Mon 29th Jul 2024

"The clip quickly went viral..." & there you have it.  Commentators can't say anything without it being ripped to shreds by cretins with nothing better to do than stare slavishly at a screen hoping for the slightest misspoken phrase, then instantly post their outrage for the world to see & gleefully join in with.

Madness indeed.

He'll have the satisfaction of knowing that from now on a phrase that miffs the cheerless will be known as 'a Ballard'. 🙄

A weird world we live in when a commentator is fired for an harmless 'jokey' remark while a convicted paedophile rapist is allowed to represent his country.

Bang on as usual Ken.  BA.

i think the ladies themselves would not be offended and axeing him is ott.  However, these are women who are at the top of their professional peak, the current best in the world and who have probably made loads of sacrifices to get there, the epitome of dedication and hard work and to reduce them to a stereotype of women being late coz theyre doing their hair and make up is rude

Maybe there were finishing the hoovering.🤣

A joke taken out of context. A slap on the wrist and an apology would've been more than enough punishment.


Ken puts it into perspective.

Anyone finding such a remark hurtful is in desperate need of sensitivity reduction treatment. The real world is providing too much for them.



No need whatsoever for anyone to take offence.Just said jokingly..                                  Ken @12.43 -----This man is not a 'paedophile'

Good afternoon,

Well, I appear to be a cretin and too sensitive because I found the comment irresponsible and insulting!

13:14 he raped a 12 year old.

Though harmless it is an extremely stupid and pointless thing to say.

^^^^ A paedophile is someone who is sexually interested in children .

Just as people were saying about the recent case of a policeman stamping on the head of the person lying on the ground. Until we saw the video showing what had happened previously no-one could pass judgement. 

Likewise we don't know the circumstances surrounding the rape case. Did he actually know her age and if so do you think he would have flown all the way to England to rape her. Did she lie about her age etc,  etc. He served a sentence back then. .Does he also have to serve a life sentence? I am not making excuses but I would rather know all the facts before passing judgement.  

Most men on here seem to think it OK to make chauvinistic remarks but Bob Ballard for one now knows it's not.

//Did he actually know her age and if so do you think he would have flown all the way to England to rape her.//

Yes he did and yes he did.

//Did she lie about her age//


//He served a sentence back then//

A very short one.

//Does he also have to serve a life sentence?//

Like his victim, you mean?

//......I would rather know all the facts before passing judgement.//

You haven't looked very hard, have you?

^^^So enlighten me then as to where to look. I would honestly like to know.

Is there a particular date in the future when women can expect commentators to restrict themselves to reporting on their sporting endeavours?

Y'know, like the men already enjoy?

Google is probably your best bet, Andres.

There has been quite a lot written about him in recent weeks.

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