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Olympics Commentator Axed Over Sexist Remark

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Khandro | 07:45 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
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Yes, woke madness. This is a bloke commentating, making a completely harmless remark, nothing whatsoever offensive about it- it's the sort of thing my dad or brother would say.  A quiet word would have solved it- losing a job over it is utter madness.
09:29 Mon 29th Jul 2024

Thank you^^^

Reminds me a bit of John Inverdale musing on whether Marion Bartoli's dad might have told her that she'd have to work harder at her tennis as she wasn't as pretty as Maria Sharapova. What a daft and insulting thing to say. He kept his job. 

Clearly inappropriate - and notice how his defenders here in the News section are largely (although not exclusively) old men?


Old men who refer back to the old days when you could "have a bit of banter".


Those days are over.

And for God's sake message to everyone spitting out the word "woke".


Stop using it incorrectly.


It's irritating.

Being used perfectly ok here.


No it isn't.

It's a word that has been bastardised by people who have no idea how it originated and what it was meant to describe.

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sp; In 2024, everyone, except perhaps you, knows exactly what is meant by 'woke'. 

Hi sp. that may have been the original meaning when the word was first introduced but language evolves and meanings change. In fact the dictionary entry you used reflects the usage we see in this conversation.... you just need to read it all not just the first few lines of the dictionary entry





and so on and so forth.


You wrote:

"I looked at the faces of these young women athletes & asked myself, would they be offended or insulted by such light-hearted comment. I think the answer would be, not at all. "

That's kinda breathtakingly arrogant. I think I'm right in saying you're in your 70s? 80s? And you think you can judge the attutides of a bunch of young women in their 20s?



The word "woke" originated from African American Vernacular English but has been gradually co-opted by right wing players to be used as an insult. 

In 2024 the word woke has been co-opted by people who don't know what it means, but have assigned new meaning to it.



Channel Four broadcast a series of programmes a few years ago called "It Was Alright In..." with each programme focussing on shows from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Clips from shows from that time were shown to 20-something tv 'personalities' who would often be shocked at what they were seeing "I can't believe they used to get away with that".

I always thought whilst watching those shows - "Just chill...this was fifty years ago. People were different. They interracted with people differently - don't expect someone whose first crush was on Lyndsey de Paul to have the same outlook as someone whose first crush was on Zendaya


Similarly it makes me roll my eyes when I hear people in their 60s (and beyond) berating anything that doesn't match up to the mores of their youth as "woke".

The world was different then - young people deal with it. And the world is different now. Old people - deal with it.

New meaning or not most people know what it means now.  The woke need to stop being so touchy about everything.  They make for a sour, petty, humourless world.   

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SP  // think you can judge the attitudes of a bunch of young women in their 20s? //

Oh yes, maybe better than you. I have brought up two daughters (& bear the scars !) and have been a personal tutor to hundreds.

I feel this is going to be one of those where sp1814 meets himself coming back such is his determination to be right (on).

what a load of trobiscite equine guano from SP. dougie was right earlier. Joyless soulless, humourless neo fascists who have been told how to think what to be offended by etc. I feel so sorry for the saucepands today, can't have jibe, a laugh, nothing, just adhere to the "rules" imposed on us by faceless dull automatons.

New meaning or not most people know what it means now.

Most people know the rigght wing bastardisation.

The woke need to stop being so touchy about everything.  They make for a sour, petty, humourless world.   

Nope...outside in the real world people are still having a laugh, going out with their mates, flirting, drinking, going on holiday, working late - just being fun and young. The only humourless places are found in the pages of the right wing press.

We had our summer party at work week - everyone out in the sunshine - having a laugh. That's what's wrong with the anti-woke brigrade. They sit around waiting for something to prove their point rather than getting out and having a laugh with their mates.

douglas9401 - "right on" is up their with "woke".



Is anyone on the news section under 30...?

Or under 40?



It would make life sooo much simpler if you could occasionally be straightforward.

I have no idea what a saucepand is. 

We know you're not, SP.  What qualifies you as their spokesman?

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