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Olympics Commentator Axed Over Sexist Remark

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Khandro | 07:45 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
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Yes, woke madness. This is a bloke commentating, making a completely harmless remark, nothing whatsoever offensive about it- it's the sort of thing my dad or brother would say.  A quiet word would have solved it- losing a job over it is utter madness.
09:29 Mon 29th Jul 2024

^^^ some more ^^^

Good morning,

Not at all, totally unprofessional and rude.

Insulting to the team.

No. it's just the dedicated "I want to be offended" brigade in action. Sad people with nothing better to do in their lives.


No women commenting on this thread, or are they messing round "doing their make-up".


I remember Bob Ballard doing sports news on the Steve Wright show on Radio 2. He was a jokey character, but he should have known this was going to offend a lot of people.

Welcome to a brave new world, full of joylessness and po-faced reporters of any transgression, no matter how small.

Lizzie Simmonds should be shelved for joining in with this twattery with her 'outrageous' comment.

Yes, of course it is.  (O.P.)

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I looked at the faces of these young women athletes & asked myself, would they be offended or insulted by such light-hearted comment. I think the answer would be, not at all. 

Would they like to see this long-standing sports commentator sacked for saying it ... ditto.

Steve Wright used to introduce him as 'Basher Bob Ballard' I seem to remember.

I don't think I would last 2 minutes on radio!😂

douglas: "Welcome to a brave new world, full of joylessness and po-faced reporters of any transgression, no matter how small." - yep bang on soulless, joyless is the order of the day, no one dare crack a "funny" what a miserable world our grand children are growing up into. Perlease!

It seems a bit OTT to sack him. A warning to be careful with his words might have been sufficient. 


Yes. Obviously.


On a normal world, at a normal time, both males & females would give a wry smile, the females may also point their ocular organs upwards a bit, as the running joke is made again.


They should allow him back where he can apologise as everyone knows women never ever have anything to do with make-up, so it was a silly thing to say: and then apologise for his female co-commentator for being late, and he can't imagine what could possibly have delayed her.

Yeah the Crusaders thing is another prime example, and an indication of how utterly insane society (or at least parts of it) have now become. Maybe the fans can go buy Crusaders merchandise to wear at all their events/matches. Perhaps faux chainmail bearing the cross of St. George would be an appropriate accessory.

Yes, woke madness. This is a bloke commentating, making a completely harmless remark, nothing whatsoever offensive about it- it's the sort of thing my dad or brother would say.  A quiet word would have solved it- losing a job over it is utter madness.

Anyone having a 'quiet word' should be sent on their way to wallow in the mire of their own creation.

I'm sure the 'Sheilas' have heard - and laughed off - a lot worse. Way OTT to relieve Ballard of his commentary duties, imho.

//Is this more woke madness ?//


Yes.   Pathetic.

OK. I'll put my head above the parapet.

Yes they were right to remove him. Often what is considered 'harmless banter' can be very hurtful to some. He should have known what was acceptable, being a professional.


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