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I despair, how can anyone do such a wicked thing

Blame successive Governments and right-on liberal justice.  Couple this with liberal senior coppers and liberal judiciary and this is what we have.

Time to get really hard, be interesting to see what Cooper has to say maybe she will get tough, but I'm not holding my breath,  Expect more platitudes, candles lit, lessons will be learnt etc.  Meanwhile the murderer will probably be out on the street in a few years thanks to some do-gooder.

Do we still have lack-of-care-in-the-community ?

Perhaps we can use one of those unused prisons as an asylum ?

Utterly heartbreaking.  At least they've made an arrest.

I'm hoping none of those children die, young.

I'd happily pay more tax for more prisons and secure mental hospitals if it meant more criminals getting locked up and longer sentences

The report says one child dead, Barry. Absolutely sickening.

This link to BBC for this story may be easier to read (Mail wants me to accept too many things first)

Better wait and see what this is about before blaming past and present Governments.

Heartbreaking. This is the kind of crime that capital punishment is needed for.


It appears to be on the increase. It needs something radical to change the way the UK and Europe as a whole is heading.


What on earth was going on there?

Latest news is the attacker is 17.

Conference @6:30 I doubt they will tell us much.

Police update delayedpublished at 18:47


Merseyside Police say their update on the stabbing has been delayed slightly.

Spot on YMB.


From Banks originally from Cardiff.




We're hearing from the police and emergency services now.

Chief Constable Serena Kennedy says it is with great sadness that two children have died.

She adds that nine others have been injured, and six are in critical condition.

Two adults are also in critical condition, she says.

From Banks originally from Cardiff.

Does that mean born in Cardiff I wonder.  They seem to stress they are not currently looking at it as a terrorist incident.

I beleive they are once again lying to us.

I believe they are once again lying to us.

yes probably - but being from Cardiff, it is  unlikely to be religious or racial. 

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