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Winter Fuel Payments Cut For Many Pensioners

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barry1010 | 16:09 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
136 Answers

Labour is not messing about.  From this year only pensioners in reciept of Pension Credit or other means tested benefits will not the £100 - £300 annual payment to help with fuel bills.

Those just above the cut off for pension credit will really struggle,to%20make%2C%22%20she%20says.

I think this is very wrong.  Too many pensioners with no savings and just a pound or two over the limit are struggling. 



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They'll be pleased they voted Labour.

We knew it would happen with the "mean party".As a  recently widowed wife I am scared I won't be able to cope with the bills! My conscience is clear I didn't vote for them!

I know people who are embarrassed at receiving this as they don't need it.  One friend's husband phoned to find out how he could return it and was told he couldn't.  So he gave it to charity.

And so the cuts begin.

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I know too many people who rely on this to help pay their bills.  

Since they reduced the savings limit to £10000 (from £16000), I have no chance of claiming penson credit, so my WFA will stop. That and the frozen personal allowance, which labour has added another year to, means life will get quite difficult for me. Does anyone know how the means testing works? I thought it relied on people answering questions honestly. As with all other benefits there are people scamming the system.  

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naomi, who says they did?  A lot of working class pensioners are tory blue all through.  

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cashier, the government knows how much pension a person is getting - that is the first big qualifier for pension credit, no good fibbing about that.  The government also knows how much savings you've got in the bank.  

Of course they don't know about the money under your matttress.  

No one says they did, Barry - but there will be some who did.

...well they have to pay for the massive inflation busting rises they are giving out elsewhere. A Leopard cannot change its spots, tax and spend on the way!

The Party that like to hurt the poor worker.

A leopard never changes its spots, playing out exactly like many of us said.


Taking from the pensioners and giving to some wacky country so they can spend it on "climate change"

Sickening.... but no surprise.  The lunatics really are running the asylum now.

damn savages...

17:10 so they claim there is a 20bn hole yet they are still going to dole out 11bn to foriegners? Right oh! Good ole laybore!

if we need a pension credit,then government know that the pension is not enough.or they would not need this top up benefit

*** outrageous to start by hitting the most vunerable section of the community.. no I didn't vote fir them.. 

Complaining about inheriting a black hole ...remember they left a note saying there is no only left when they lost the vote last time..evil barstwards. 

Perhaps gulliver would like to explain labours reasoning for removing money from this countries poor and giving to other countries. Charity begins at home doesn't seem to apply any more. Come this winter there will be thousands of the elderly who will be unable to keep warm, thanks to labour, shame on them for creating this in the 21st century.

Doesn't anyone save for their retirement nowadays? 

I do find that a bit curious.


Milliband has said he'll honour the pledge made by Boris Johnson 3 years ago to pay £11.6bn in overseas climate aid. We're told there's a £20bn black hole, but we'll still find the money to send nearly £12bn abroad. It just seems odd to me.



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