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Winter Fuel Payments Cut For Many Pensioners

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barry1010 | 16:09 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
136 Answers

Labour is not messing about.  From this year only pensioners in reciept of Pension Credit or other means tested benefits will not the £100 - £300 annual payment to help with fuel bills.

Those just above the cut off for pension credit will really struggle,to%20make%2C%22%20she%20says.

I think this is very wrong.  Too many pensioners with no savings and just a pound or two over the limit are struggling. 



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The thing that makes me wryly smile about Labour screwing the pensioners, is that had the Tories done it there'd be a number of AB members skipping to their keyboards with glee with speckle flicked mouths ready to pile in on those 'evil bsartards' and yet those same members are now remarkably quiet.


Funny that.


It was a great find by Clone. Kudos.

they aren't cutting it for all pensioners though are they... they are cutting it for people who are not also in receipt of means tested benefits including pension credit. 

i don't think it makes sense to be paying unnecessary handouts to wealthy households... sorry about it. 

Untitled, they are cutting it for almost all pensioners because if you are still lucky enough to be married and not widowed then the chances are that your combined pensions will take you just over the limit for claiming pension credit.  Even a pound over stops you from getting it.  Two people to buy for instead of one and higher bills, ie food water and all the others.  Not all pensioners are in your so called wealthy category.  Labour has done what Keir Starmer complained about the Tories thinking about doing only 3 months ago only they didn't do it.

I can see a case for taxing WFA for pensioners. I'm also not bothered about pensioners earning say £30000pa having it scaled back.

But you suddenly have a strange definition of wealthy, untitled, if you're including someone who earns just above the Pension Credit level. Do you also class a fulltime worker on  minimum wage as wealthy?


Labour are SCUM!

indeed, kier starmer is a liar. i have said so many times and it is why i did not vote for labour. 

I suppose Tories made a mistake in the election by not specifically asking "will you cut or remove WFA for most pensioners"

Labour must have been planning this.

So by your reasoning Untitled, if you dont get pension credit then you are rich.

Yes the wriggling by some on here is obvious. We all know they'd have been foaming at the mouth if the Tories had made this cut and untitled would have reminded us of all the excess deaths due to austerity measures like this.

To class pensioners just above Pension Credit as wealthy is laughable

i actually said i agree with the principle of means testing the WFA but was not sure about this method... but do carry on

I like this one from the Standard in January, "Labour’s Rachel Reeves complains that her £86k salary has left her financially 'short' when she is reported to be worth around £3 million.  Makes you laugh really.

So, untitled- you believe WFA should be means tested but are not sure of the method. You don't think wealthy pensioners cshould get it, but you are not sure what the definition of wealthy should be. So you like this action by Reeves but aren't sure whether she's got it right. So you accept some pensioners won't be able to afford it 

why are you so incapable of understanding nuance? i agree with the principle of the policy but have doubts about the implimentatiom. why is that so difficult for you to understand newmodarmy?

It's certainly an odd way to kick off their re-election campaign.

Unless some miracle turnaround can be engineered they're heading for oblivion as things stand.

Oh I understand it untitled. It's a case of trying to have your cake and eat it.

You can carry on going round and round the garden until you are dizzy on this subject of cuts that the present government are making, and what reaction there would have been should the cons had done the same. The truth is the cons hadn't got the guts or the brains for that matter to go down this road. Staying in power and keeping their status was at the top of their list, full stop.

SK is doing what needs to be done like it or not. Theres an old saying my mum always said when things got tuff, make do with what you have. And heres something to think about, Turkey at the moment has an inflation of 75%. I would think yourself lucky you now have KS in the driving seat. Those who said a labour government would end up giving away even more billions appear to have been very wrong indeed.

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