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Southport Rioting

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fbg40 | 08:50 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
42 Answers

What is this world coming to when rioters storm the town of Southport after all that has occurred ?? Many police officers and police dogs injured from flying bricks. I really can't comprehend what is in the minds of these morons.



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they were attacking mosques because they thought the attacker is a muslim when he isn't. evidence that there are people in this country just itching for an excuse to get violent with muslims. 

I don't think the first part of your post is true, untitled.

The second part probably is.

About 90% of the population of Rwanda is Christian.


Your point is?

The man arrested for these crimes is not likely to be Muslim, therefore amongst other things, attacking mosques doesn't make any sense. 

even if he is a muslim it wouldm't make sense to bash up random mosques! 

Untitled - you're right. I was trying (and failing) to get into the mindset of the rioters.

When do rioters ever make sense though?

Once a section of society gains a reputation for antisocial behaviour, regardless how small a percentage of it are involved, many will assume a new report of something similar is likely to be caused by that section. And there's always those unable to control their anger looking to retaliate against those they assume are guilty without even waiting for evidence. Trouble is, authority's failure to crack down on antisocial behaviour encourages a growing number to believe that this is the right and acceptable thing to do.  Now the genie has to be returned to the bottle. Best of luck with that one, authorities.

Persevered the alleged killer was not born in Rwanda therefore is not Rwandan.

I remember miss ! Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno,  I see the  Tiber foaming with  much blood - Aeneid recycled by Enoch Powell

90% Rwanda is Christian - your point is?

er, any random Rwandan on the street has  a 10% chance of being Muslim - But you knew that anyway. Just scoring  a quick debating point. Better  to see the  religios make up of Rwandan refugees in this country. 

Did anyone  see the media post  that a muslim had been arrested with a panga last night near  the  Christian children's mourners? - word spread qickly in the crowd

Persevered the alleged killer was not born in Rwanda therefore is not Rwandan.

That was clearly the old law 1975 jus solis - after shamima begum it got a bit more squidgy ( lawful to take away Brit nationality as she had a claim to Pakistani - jus sanguinis. Bit of a stretch too me)

er, any random Rwandan on the street has  a 10% chance of being Muslim 




So what are the odds then Clone?

So 1 in 10 'could' be Muslim, meaning most likely to be Christian.

Not that it matters does it?

I don't know why his heritage or his religion is an issue here.  People come in all flavours and some change their religious allegiance - but that's not to say he favours any particular version.  This attack appears to me to have been specifically targeted rather than random - he took a taxi to that specific place - and the reason for that is, as yet, unknown.

because Master Imam Rabbi Priest is only 17 and can't drive - perhaps?

Think it is a mix of anarchy helped massively by social media.

Some top notch citizen journalism, right there. 🤕😵

DTC, that's gone completely over your head.

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