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Racist Riots Spread To Hartlepool And Westminster

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Untitled | 09:51 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
23 Answers

racists determined to use the southport attacks to justify violence against muslims or migrants have now turned out in Hartlepool and Westminster... one video shows Hartlepool rioters attacking an asian man and laughing

what can the government do to counter the threat of the far right? 



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untitled you come up with racist as your stock answer as does the main stream media, EDL, bigots doesnt add anything to the debate.



so they are racists??? they were peaceful until the riot squad got called in.racist is government speak for anyone that does not agree with them,along with bigot and far right..i call them was an asian that attacked the kids

He is not Asian for at least 2 reasons. He was born in Cardiff, and has lived his life here, and Rwanda, where his parents came from is in Africa.

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Racist Riots Spread To Hartlepool And Westminster

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