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How Long Until There Are No Women In Sports?

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youngmafbog | 14:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
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This latest is unbelievable.  Not only was the IOC decisoin luducrous but also outright dangerous.  Boxing is not a sport to play woke politics with.

This needs to stop NOW.




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Only men get Swyer Syndrome. It’s a male specific DSD.

Whilst menstruation can be medically induced, no ova is produced.

If there wasn't a problem there wouldn't  be controversy.  BBC news tonight reported on two boxers who court controversy - both appeared to be men.  There's something very wrong going on here.   

"Only men get Swyer Syndrome. It’s a male specific DSD."

i don't think that's true jack. people with swyer syndrome do not have an active SRY gene which triggers the development of male genitalia. they are born with female genitalia including vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes and swyer syndrome is not usually diagnosed until puberty. i think it is rather strange to insist that such people are men. one might almost call it placing ideology over biology.

You can't suffer from Swyers if you have no Y chromosome.

If you have a Y chromosome you are a man.

That Khelif suffers from this condition is regrettable but that is no reason for him to be able to fight against women.

in your opinion then some men are born with a uterus? 

i appreciate your opinion is very strongly felt jack but it's just that there are all these very qualified people who specialise in the treatment of DSD who disagree and to be honest i trust them more

The uterus may be present but it is of no more use than an appendix.

I have also read reports and papers from those specialising in sexual development disorders and their conclusions have informed my own.

Khelif failed the XX/XY sex test to compete against women and that should never have been allowed to be overturned.

i just think it's very odd to insist that a person born with female genitalia, raised all their childhood as a girl and quite happy in their own skin as a girl is... a man. don't you think that is weird? 

IMO there are a small percentage of individuals where their bodily creation had problems, and trying to make general points based on that group, is inappropriate.


Tbe categories of 'men' & 'women' are usually clear-cut and useful as each tend to certain sexually related differences. It seems sensible that to match such things as sporting participation, fairly, those allowed to compete need to adhere to certain limits. That is the actual aim, not debating whether some individual who's body encountered the difficulty is in one group or the other.


We should strive to be fair and reasonable, not inclusive for the sake of it, as that just causes avoidable issues.

should we just ban anyone with DSDs from participating then? that doesn't seem fair either. 

lots of women did beat imane khelif before her match at the olympics so it was obviously possible. is there any chance at all that her opponent was simply less skilful?

Khelif has every right to live a happy life as a woman, I have no argument with that.

My argument is that as a person who has been shown to carry the Y-chromosome, with all the physiological advantages that bestows, he ought not to be allowed to box against women. This is the position the IBC took and should have stood.

The morphology is, wide shoulders, narrow hips, no tits, never mind even the presence of xy chromosomes.... it's a boy!

The media is up in arms today  - the horror of a man beating a woman for the amusement of the masses.

Which is appalling.

But then, so is two women, or two men doing the same thing.

Damaging people for 'sport' is abhorrent, regardless of the genders involved. 

There is a significant difference though, between evenly matched participants choosing to fight, and effectively different category, mismatched individuals, put in the same situation.

Imane Khelif was beaten before by Karina Ibragimova, Natalia Shadrina, Kellie Harrington and Amy Broadhurst. 

is it possible that her opponent this time was simply less skilful? 

Or alternatively they were still perfecting the skills that their body would eventually give them an overwhelming advantage in ?

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Interesting it is the usual who are quite happy that someone should put their life at risk for the sake of their warped ideologies.

No suprises though.

O-G - // There is a significant difference though, between evenly matched participants choosing to fight, and effectively different category, mismatched individuals, put in the same situation. //

On the barbarity of both remains constant.

Just because people 'choose' to fight doesn;t make it OK.

People 'choose' to inject heroin into themselves, but society seems a lot less keen on that personal choice.

Of course, if there was a way to make it entertaining for millions, and thus profitable for a select few, that would soon be a 'sport' as well.

YMB, real women appear to have become an irrelevance in the wonky world that encourages self-identification regardless of how ludicrous those choices might be.  I said something similar here a while ago.  The response was basically 'tough'.  

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