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Why Are The Current Incidents Of Un Rest Labelled As "Far Right"?

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ToraToraTora | 14:55 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | News
134 Answers

the climate change protests weren't labelled as far left were they? No doubt there are some thug u like yobs in there but they will be left and right.



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Because it suits the narrative.....I bet loads of those who took to the streets would be surprised to find themselves 'smeared' as being (far) right-wing.Being concerned about what is happening in your locale does not a neo-nazi make.
18:42 Sun 04th Aug 2024

Why Are The Current Incidents Of Un Rest Labelled As "Far Right"?

what about: because they are ! end of!

Two tiered policing. Look the other way if Muslim incitement to racial disharmony occurs. Threatened for hate crimes if you march in protest against too many illegal unknowns infest and abuse our country. Your grandchildren will pay the price of this treachery.

Was the Harehills riots also far-right Peter?


your post at 16.06 is pure "whataboutery".


It boils down to this - there are things that we all passionately believe in. The Just Stop Oul protesters passionately believed in their cause, and their actions lead to them receiving lengthy jail sentebces

Same should be true here.

Don't you agree?

No matter how frustrated you are with our political leaders. No matter whether you think you're not being heard - you break the law, you face justice, no?

Immigration is not a righty issue, just like climate change is not a lefty issue

Has anyone suggested crimes shouldn't be prosecuted?

sp1814, do you imagine you're my mother?

-- answer removed --

dougie - - can I er be your muvva? - - no  - - yes. I have a good idea what is involved

Has anyone suggested crimes shouldn't be prosecuted?

oh no - It is an O level essay - discuss why not every crime comes to trial. ( and you start at commission - not enough evidence, consent - go thro 'police werent there and wouldnt  turn up'  -  and end at verdict - not proven, not charged not even there) Jesus

"Untitled, I don't ageee with what they're doing but that doesn't necessarily make them 'far right'.  "

yes it does.


I agree - immigration is 100% not a left / right issue. It's far more nuanced than that.

However in the context of these rioters - it's unlikely that many of them are left-leaning, Guardian-reading, tofu hustlers.

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so only right wingers do those things then? Right oh!


I get what you're saying - we've seen far right protests before (in other countries) and they kinda look like this.

to put it bluntly... if you are against the government's immigration/asylum policies and you decide to hold migrants and muslims themselves accountable then you are far right. what these people are doing is attacking minorities they consider to be dangerous or contagious somehow because they ultimately wish to see them removed.  that is far-right ideology in a nutshell--social cleansing.


No-one's saying that.

...or did you think someone implied that?

There have certainly been violent protests from the Left, but these are right wingers.

Put it this way - how many moderates do you think have rioted?

Moderates don't riot.

Extremists (left and right) tend to.


These are right wing extremists.

They're looting, attacking the police and burning cars.

Normal people do not do that.

End of.

If you think that saying don't let in all illegal migrants in dinghies equates to social cleansing then there's no point in debating with you untitled. You clearly like applying labels to make complex issues seem simple.

these protests stared in response to the southport murders which were carried out by a person who is neither a migrant nor a muslim. these fascist scum just want an excuse to go out and rough up people they hate and they deserve a good kicking. it is one thing to want lower immigration, it is quite another thing to go out in the streets and attack immigrants

untitled - the alternative is unrestrained immigration & Islamification eventually leading to a rigidly controlled society where you are not allowed freedom to be other than Muslim & must demonstrate that you are Muslim by following their rituals. You want that?

Because they are neo nazis.

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