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Why Are The Current Incidents Of Un Rest Labelled As "Far Right"?

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ToraToraTora | 14:55 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | News
134 Answers

the climate change protests weren't labelled as far left were they? No doubt there are some thug u like yobs in there but they will be left and right.



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Because it suits the narrative.....I bet loads of those who took to the streets would be surprised to find themselves 'smeared' as being (far) right-wing.Being concerned about what is happening in your locale does not a neo-nazi make.
18:42 Sun 04th Aug 2024

"If you think that saying don't let in all illegal migrants in dinghies equates to social cleansing then there's no point in debating with you untitled. "

no i did not say that, you foolish person. you are talking about "saying things"... i am talking about what the rioters are doing which is the subject of the thread. do please try to learn how to read.

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sp: "No-one's saying that.

...or did you think someone implied that?"

untitled said: //"Untitled, I don't ageee with what they're doing but that doesn't necessarily make them 'far right'.  "   yes it does.//  - so untitled thinks that every one involved is right wing.

"untitled - the alternative is unrestrained immigration & Islamification"

the alternative to what? beating people up in the street? attacking mosques? burning businesses?

it is one thing to disagree with government policy. you are not however at liberty to attack or intimidate people who live in your community or people who are waiting for asylum applications to be processed. if you think you are then you are a fascist and i suggest you just embrace it so the rest of us can treat you with ridicule and contempt.


i said they were attacking muslims and migrants.

naomi said "that doesn't make them right wing"

i think it does.

like i say... attack government policy -- fine

attack actual groups of people with physical violence--not fine. evil.

Stop the dinghies.  That would be a start.

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sp: "how many moderates do you think have rioted?

Moderates don't riot." - so all non moderates are right wing? right oh! remember the Hamas supporters marches?

these riots are far far more violent than any of the pro-palestine marches.

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untitled: "if you are against the government's immigration/asylum policies and you decide to hold migrants and muslims themselves accountable then you are far right." - rubbish, only right wingers are concerned about the invasion? What a load of old pony.

ahhh that old chestnut "concerned" lol. it's "concerned citizens" who are attacking mosques and burning businesse and setting fire to cars. they just "have concerns", that's all.

just admit that you agree with what they are doing. it is obvious.

If the protesters/rioters/concerned are all right wing it's rather surprising that Labour got elected.

Untitled, no it doesn't.  They're thugs - nothing more, nothing less - who probably wouldn't know their  right from their left at the best of times!

and yes it is only the far right who will direct their erm... "concerns" (i.e. hatred) toward actual muslims and migrants rather than to the government whose policies they disagree with.

//PM condemns 'far-right thuggery' on UK streets and says those involved 'will regret it'//

That's def gonna get people on his side. What a berk!

it was "concerned citizens" i suppose who took part in kristallnacht or looked on with approving smiles. "we're just concerned about the number of jews in our country"


"oh i don't agree with their methods, not at all, but they do have a point don't they? i have concerns."


You wrote:

Moderates don't riot." - so all non moderates are right wing? right oh! remember the Hamas supporters marches?

Did you see my post earlier where I said that both left and right have violently protested?


Did you miss that?

Untitled are so rude and bigoted I'll just ignore your posts in future.

If you walk down the street protesting, with placards calling to action - fine.

Everyone should have a voice.


If you attack the police, loot and burn - you're no longer a protester - you're a rioter.


If you agree with the protesters stance on immigration yet refuse to stand up and condemn their violent actions, then you're an apologist.

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sp: //Did you see my post earlier where I said that both left and right have violently protested?

Did you miss that?//

You said:

//"how many moderates do you think have rioted?

Moderates don't riot."// - so you contradicted yourself.

Untitled, wind your neck in.  You're out of order.  If you can't discuss this without being rude step away until you can.


They are appeasers. Enablers. Supporters.

Their condemnation is silent and their excuses are loud.

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