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Sometimes It Takes A Foreigner To Tell You What's Going On......

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ToraToraTora | 09:18 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
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Every Muslim country in the world is a s... - hole and yet the Muslim Brotherhood & all it's derivatives in the UK and elsewhere would like to see Britain become a Muslim country with the necessary add-on of Sharia law & all the trimmings and many seem hell-bent on helping them to do it in the name of 'diversity'.  
15:59 Tue 06th Aug 2024


Follow the thread.

I wrote that in response to Khandro's statement:

"After 30 days of Labour, I want the Conservatives back."

It's not like a new government can be properly judged after 30 days. The state the country is in is entirely the fault of te previous government.

Same would be true if interest rates dropped by half a percent three weeks after the new government came in, they could not claim credit for it.

Same way they can't be blamed for this unrest. This is on the heads of the previous government

You get sarcasm, right?

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sp: "TTT Are you saying there are no links about the Islamification of Britain?" - no I am saying that you and your ilk are not commenting on it.


Re-read what I wrote. I said:


That doen't mean they're behind the rioting. I'm not suggesting that they actively encouraged it - but they are certainly lightning rods for the rioters.

...and let's be honest can call them by their correct names. They are not protesters - they're rioters.


...and looters


Me and my "my ilk" don't see the country like you and your "ilk" (I'll shorthand that too). 

I grew up in a very racially diverse area of South London, so don't see the Islamification that you see because it was always there.

I suppose  if you're an older person who has seen  the ethnic make up of the country change rapidly over the past fifty years, it can be very upsetting.

However equally, if you went to school with, grew up with, worked and socialised amongst a diverse group of people - you're not going to see the country in the same way.

SP, I'm following the thread - and yes, I do get sarcasm and appreciate it when it works well, which in your case it doesn't.  No one is to blame for what this government has done to the elderly - except this government.  

SP, but you're no spring chicken - and I'm a Londoner too - so all I can say is if you haven't seen the changes this country has undergone in even the past twenty years you must have been walking around with your eyes shut.

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sp: "

I suppose  if you're an older person who has seen  the ethnic make up of the country change rapidly over the past fifty years, it can be very upsetting.

However equally, if you went to school with, grew up with, worked and socialised amongst a diverse group of people - you're not going to see the country in the same way." - fair enough, I get that, it makes sense. Hymie while trying to point out that it is not a problem highlighted the fact that it actually is the other day. He said from 2011 to 2021 the islamic population had grown by over a million so pro rata it increases by 100,000 a year. That's what I and many others are worried about. Before long they'll be able to turn us into Britainistan legally using our own system. Recently only 20% of the electorate were able to elect a huge majority. 6% are muslim currently that will grow exponentially. Are you not a little worried about that? I am assuming you are not muslim of course.


This is off-topic but the winter fuel allowance is cobblers.

It was New Labour bung in 1997 put in because after years of Tory misrule, pensions were so low.

It was tax-free and given to all pensioners - even those who patently didn't need the extra cash.

The credit will still be given to those who need it (the poorest pensioners - those on pension credit).

I don't know why you don't know this.

I don't know why you don't know the effect it will almost certainly have on many people, SP ... but you don't.  We won't mention care for the elederly,  That would be a step too far.


Now, getting back to the topic, perhaps you'll explain why you've been walking around for at least the past twenty years with your eyes closed?


I'm no youngster but I'm younger than most here - young enough that the racial make up of my area of London (South) looks pretty much the same now as it did then (although I moved up to North London many years ago).

From the 70s until the the 90s, the white population of London fell by 20% - but that's not something I would've noticed. Perhaps if I were older and lived in the same area all my life and had seen the changed say from 1960 over the next 50 years I'd have a different view.

And all this is happening because boris Johnson had some birthday cake in downing street during the stupid lockdown. 

Perhaps you should listen to people who have noticed then instead of telling them they're wrong.


You wrote:

Now, getting back to the topic, perhaps you'll explain why you've been walking around for at least the past twenty years with your eyes closed?

Perhaps like a lot of people who grew up as a minority in a racially diverse area - I don't see changes in racial make up. The areas I grew up in were very racially mixed then, and they were when I left London.

When I go back to see my sister, the mix of people looks pretty much the same.

Not really "having my eyes closed" but simply not being attuned to changes in the racial make up of an area simply because I've never know the area to be a monoculture?


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sp can you answer my 12:18 post.

sp; //I wrote that in response to Khandro's statement:

"After 30 days of Labour, I want the Conservatives back."//

I didn't make that statement, I simply concurred with it.


I think you should read that article I linked to at 11:26.

Most of the things she bemoans have occurred since Labour came to power.

Worth remembering the majority of posters on these threads are essentially Tory supporters so it is convenient to blame anything on a new Labour government.

Are you really suggesting that these events would not have happened if Labour had not been elected?

How Labour manages to deal with the economic situation in the country remains to be seen but most of you have already decided.


I don't think I have done that - I've not told anyone they're wrong to fear change. In fact - didn't I post:

I suppose  if you're an older person who has seen  the ethnic make up of the country change rapidly over the past fifty years, it can be very upsetting.

Did you read that as a criticism???


//I've never know the area to be a monoculture//


Neither have I, SP.

SP, //Did you read that as a criticism???//


Not really - just dismissive.



Will have a look in a bit. Walking the dog at the mo.


naomi24 - not dismissive. Trying to understand others.

And you think I was saying that they were wrong to think as they do.


How come?

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