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E U S S R Still In Hissy Fit Mode.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:05 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
51 Answers

I assume we will be reciprocating these charges. Though as Robber Reeves always favours foriegners she'll probably not mirror this.



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But you are neither Hymie.  You never reached such heights.  The best you can do is thump a keyboard to tell anyone who disagrees with you they're an idiot.   

I must have missed the interview where Mr Johnson said it was a "Shhet" idea.  Perhaps you could post a link or a Youtube vieo.  You like them so you must have one to hand to support your claim.

It just seems rather strange to me that the EU has decided to introduce this, when they've always been happy with passports before - yes, even when in the EU, we had to show our passports because we were not members of Schengen, don't forget.  

It rather makes me think that we were correct in our assumption that the EU wants to be like the USA - so I'm even happier that we are out.  If they want to play silly bees, then that's up to them.

Given Hymie doesn't have a mind of his own and his opinions are solely obtained from no marks on YouTube, he's easily ignored.

The best you can do is thump a keyboard to tell anyone who disagrees with you they're an idiot.  

er this is better than rubbing out the posts they dont like, as some others do ? zap ! zap ! zap ! converting a lovely leafy tree into a stump from no-mans-land 1916

just er saying

YMB this is a link to a video clip of Rachel Johnson making her comment about Brexit.

He was asking where Boris Johnson said it.

Good news for the 'kiss me quick' hat sellers and donkey rides though 

NAOMI, it was probably within earshot of his sister but not recorded on video, audio or in a verbatim transcript of the exchange in which the comment was made.

She is his sister and if you can't trust a member of the Johnson family then who c...then again...

youngmafbog – as requested, here is the youtube video with Rachel Johnson saying exactly that – you only need watch the first minute:-

When will Brexiteers realise that they have been taken for fools by the likes of Johnson and Farage?



That explains it then Corby.  Earshot ...

give 'em hell, hymez

How long will it take to secure such a document?  Could holiday makers pick one up at the airport before their flight?

It would be a great pity if people couldn't go because they didn't think to get it.

HYMIE was repeating what Rachel Johnson had said and the video confirms what was claimed.

Has Boris Johnson since denied her claim? I have no idea.

"After filling in an online application form, the system will conduct checks against EU information systems for borders and security and, in the vast majority of cases, issue a travel authorisation within minutes. In limited cases, where further checks on the traveller are needed, the issuing of the travel authorisation could take up to 30 days."

No one had to sell the idea of Brexit, it was what many of the population had already decided was vital. It was good that at least some in parliament decided to support Democracy for the nation, and not just a limited version of it for the House. But what a fight the anti- democrats put up !

you left the club so now you have to pay to use their facilities. Just what I'd say if I ran the club; I don't know why TTT thinks he should continue to be allowed into the clubhouse for free.

So nothing to show Johnson said it just hearsay from someone else then presented as fact.

Why am I not surprised.

// You found this post challenging gromit? Right oh! //

I didn't.  
But a site like AB relies on search for new people to find it.  
Your constant use of daft acronyms, childish nicknames, rhyming slang and old fashioned bigotry is enough to defeat the smartest AI algorithm.

In short, your misuse of English is harming the site. Good to see AB Towers have finally noticed.

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gromit: "Your constant use of daft acronyms, childish nicknames, rhyming slang and old fashioned bigotry is enough to defeat the smartest AI algorithm" - thanks that is a wonderfull compliment. When the Bots take over the world you'll thank me!

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