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E U S S R Still In Hissy Fit Mode.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:05 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
51 Answers

I assume we will be reciprocating these charges. Though as Robber Reeves always favours foriegners she'll probably not mirror this.



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No one uses the clubhouse for free. One pays for the hotel, food, entertainment, tours, souvenirs, in fact everything paid into the local economy.


Fact is, this was not anything that was needed before we joined the Common Market, so it clearly isn't needed now, except that some elites wish to bully and be awkward for their own ego's sake. Still; why should they want to try to change their reputation now ?

//this was not anything that was needed before we joined the Common Market, so it clearly isn't needed now,//

Of course it isn't needed. It's something they can now do because we've opted out of being able to stop them. That was our choice. We've taken back control.

Given all the money we were told would be going back in our pockets after brexit, it doesn't seem alot.

We should either stop munching the SGs and pay it, or stay at home.

Just another reason why leaving the EU was the correct decision.

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We couldn't stop them doing anything before exiting. So no change there then.

//We couldn't stop them doing anything before exiting. So no change there then.//

Not true, we had vetoes, and votes in the parliament  but that aside - it's pretty funny that you should say 'no change there then' when the whole point of brexit was to effect a change.

It was indeed to effect a change  but the change wasn't to have less influence.


Have you seen what happens for the few situations vetoes are available these days ?


The normal running was the unelected Commission decides on what is to be done, the facade of democracy known as MEPs rubber stamp it, and if they don't some concession bribe is offered to whoever's weakest and the vote is retaken until it is passed.


No member state has any influence to speak of, they all have given away sovereignty.

So great, we've taken back control.

Let's retaliate and charge them double to come here.

Except oh dear. We'd still like them to come perhaps?

We couldn't stop them doing anything before exiting

we could, for instance, have blocked Turkey's entrance into the EU - despite the late Ms Mordaunt's statement that we couldn't.

Time to drop the "poor helpless Britain" saga maybe.

We are out of the EU. Time for the people that voted for that to stop moaning about the EU perhaps.

They are a separate entity. They must do what's best for them and so must we.

It isn't about victimhood, it's about one's government representatives getting told what overrides their national decisions.


Certain decisions aren't just related to national interest, especially national economic ones. New members would be one of those things discussed separately, taking into consideration a wide number of things. One would tend not to vote against the conclusion of such discussions so would be pretty much obliged not to veto.


A bit like the members of the Cabinet in the UK opting to take shared responsibility despite have misgivings about an issue.  In any case, Turkey's membership of the EU isn't as relevant to a nation planning to get out of the mess.

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