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Generation Z. In Drive To Reverse Brexit.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
117 Answers

If another Referendum was held today it would result in Brexit being reversed says the latest poll. A clear majority of all voters say they would opt to rejoin the EU.Overwhelming support to rejoin came from Gen Z.



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//// And still he drones on and on and on Zzzzzzz.////My word,the intellectual power required to form that constructive comment beggars belief.
00:16 Mon 16th Sep 2024
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So if Starmer breaks his election pledge Not to rejoin the EU and he does .Which is starting to look like he will. Then that's the norm. OK!

"Which is starting to look like he will"


Starmer, in ten short weeks, has been proven to be a spineless lickspittle liar, so who knows!

I see Starmer has had to backpeddle and retrospectively declare that his wife received a load of freebie coats from the same fella who bought Starmer twenty grands worth of suits and glasses and who had unfettered access to No 10.


To coin Gulliver's phrase, they just can't help, can they?


Care to answer my question, what war.?

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Peter 16.47 Who are you accusing of breaking rule 5 then.

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17.36 What a short memory you conveniently have Webbo.

Webbo's question is a fair one. What war did Thatcher start Gulliver? Enlighten us.

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Deskdiary It was known as the Thatcher Tory war of convenience //Happened in 1982.They couldn't believe the luck.

I would also like to know.  I think Gulliver must mean the Falklands - such a shame to expose such a limited understanding so cruelly.

But what war did she START

This is the problem, webbo, I think Gulliver hasn't quite got the right end of the stick here.  Probably thinks that Ukraine invaded Russia.

@18.26.Back to the question,gulliver,which war did Thatcher start?

He's painted himself into an embarrassing corner, and he's now trying to spin it.


He knows Thatcher didn't start the Falkwands war, but such is his zealotry and hatred and warped recollection of history, he'll carry on peddling his abject nonsense and bullsiht.


Its hardly surprising he's often suspended from this site when he peddles such obvious lies.

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England declared war on Germany ..just look what they started ...Now can we please get back to the topic of this thread if you don't mind ..thank you.

Thatcher wasn't alive  during the second world war, so answer the question, which war did she start.?

If it's what they want for their generation then fine.

Most of the people on here that voted for Brexit will be dead by the time it happens, so why complain.

Won't happen. So everyone will be dead by that time, and the Earth likely consumed by Sol.

6.37pm - yep, argument well and truly lost.

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Deskdiary 19.09 Who's arguing ? I am just looking into the future and forcasting that the UK will rejoin the EU sooner rather than later.What a party the UK will have when it happens. Enjoy.

give em hell Gullz

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