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Middle East War

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davebro3 | 20:59 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
82 Answers

Surely Israel & it's Western allies must take on Iran and end the despicable regime of the Ayatollas? Half Iran's population (the women) live under extreme suppression enforced by sadistic religious zealots. Once Iran is liberated and stops supporting its satellite terrorist groups there will be a better chance of peace in the Middle East.




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population of 90 million

- bigger than france, uk, and germany combined





The the terrorist supporting left very prevalant here.

We need to take them on once and for all and sort it out.  Sadly with the Mad Mullahs this is the only way to some sort of peace.

Of course the big problem is how mny we have let into the West and are sitting as sleeper cells.  Guess we will all have to fight them if we want to survive or they will carry out thier stated aim to kill the infidel.


what do you mean "once and for all" youngmafbog? do you want us to occupy iran? what happens after that? 

we've been down this road before in iraq and it was a disaster

I think the Iranian authorities are in a difficult position. They felt the need to respond to Israel's actions but inevitably just cemented the chance of an Israeli response later.


And from what we hear there are plenty of Iranian citizens claiming they are itching to overthrow the Islamist government if only someone would hit them hard enough to weaken them and make them vulnerable. Well Israel now has a score they'll want to settle, and if other western nations wished to help they could; but it'd probably be unnecessary to overtly be seen to be involved.


I suspect there's an excellent chance of the Iranian regime being removed in the not so distant future.

Iran must be opposed.  The leaders in the West must be in no doubt what the aims of this regime are.

"same questions to you khandro. if you're so desperate for a war then go and fight it yonurself." - Another silly comment from the Islamic Fan club. Islam is in a Jihad against us permanently. No one is desparate for war but we are in one and must do our bit.

i seem to recall many people believing that the iraqis would welcome us with open arms in 2003. they did for a few weeks. twenty years on iraq is a failed state. 

what do you think the consequences of doing that to iran might be?


"Do our bit" tora? don't make me laugh. I imagine "your bit" is going to amount to very little should this reach the kind of war davebro wants. 

as always the elderly and the well-fed want the young folk to go and do their killing for them. 

To untitled's assesment 06:43.

No, Iran is an occupied country we just need to assist the indiginous population to exterminate their parasites. What they had in 1979 may not be perfect but it's better than the sharia lunacy that they have had inflicted on them since. This is an opportunity to transform the country to a progressinve westernised state.

how do you envision us doing that without military invasion toratoratora?

Untitled, Iran is attacking Israel.  What do you suggest Israel does about it?

untitled seems to be obsessed with invasion and occupation. That is not the plan, did you listen to Netenyahu the other day? He and the rest of us intend to assist the real Iranians to get their country back.

make use of its world class missile defence systems. 

how toratoratora?

09:46 by weakening the Mullahs such that some couragious souls do the necessary. The west will assist where we can, and we can.

I wonder if your Hamas mates realised what they were starting!

what comes after the ayatollahs? military dictatorship? what makes you think that will be any better?


weaken them how? what do you have in mind? magic?

... Jordan Peterson's view of Iran's 'end game'. Hard to disagree, whatever you think of him.

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