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Middle East War

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davebro3 | 20:59 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
82 Answers

Surely Israel & it's Western allies must take on Iran and end the despicable regime of the Ayatollas? Half Iran's population (the women) live under extreme suppression enforced by sadistic religious zealots. Once Iran is liberated and stops supporting its satellite terrorist groups there will be a better chance of peace in the Middle East.




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another old man who won't be doing any of the dirty work

9.49 ...ToraToraTora 🙏🙏🙏

untitled 9.49, do you seriously mean Israel should allow Iran to continue to attack without responding?


untitled: "weaken them how? what do you have in mind? magic?"

by supporting Israel to do what they do best. Look what they did to Hamas, then Hezbollah. They can start killing all the king pins bombing relevant infrastructure, taking out weapon dumps etc etc. Israel will no doubt have plans and agents in place. They can cut the head off the snake. US/UK can support as needed. At some point the Mullahs will be overthrown.

by assassinations then. 

what do you imagine will come after mossad has killed all of the ayatollahs, generals, and politicians then? peace on earth? 

Untitled; //Yep.//

See my post at 8:30 

So Iran can continue to attack Israel indefinitely and you expect Israel to just sit there and take it.  That is truly barmy, untitled.  Crackers!

09:59 why are you writhing so much? What is your suggestion then?

Did you read the telegraph article?

Good God, someone has lost the plot!

iran's long range missile barrages have not been terribly effective. the idea that israel can just keep assassinating people until the state collapses is an absolute fantasy. 

oh please lol. israel has state of the art missile defences. do a basic cost-benefit analysis of "responding". 

not as barmy as wanting to invade iran naomi!!

Untitled, no nation could or would accept and nation constantly attacking them without retaliating.  You really are completely irrational.

Untitled, Do you know what a contrarian is ? It's a person with a psychological disorder which makes them contradict every statement put before them, not necessarily out of conviction, but out of compulsion.

so far the AB plan of attack is to let Mossad run riot inside Iran and kill as many government officials as necessary until, hopefully, the population rises up and installs a (quote) "progressive western government"

i think "do nothing" is a more sensible plan than this lunacy!

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//twenty years on iraq is a failed state. //

But it isn't firing 100s of rockets at its neighbours or funding & arming terrorist armies in other countries to target the West.

10:05/6 ok so Israel is far superior, so why not use that to depose the mad mullahs? Or do you have personal reasons why you want an Islamic nut case state to stay as is?

//Let's just wait until the mad mullahs develop their nuclear weapons capability shall we...//

It will not be allowed to happen. Israel will verysoon take out the madman nuclear sites. The terrorist actions and the rocket attacks have now given the Israelis the reason, and just cause, to do it as soon as they have the ducks in a row. The World will be a safer place thereafter. The surrounding muslim regimes will rejoice too.  

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There are Islamic countries that don't have Jihad as their overriding principle - it's the religious fanaticism of Iran's present leaders that is so harmful to itself & to others.

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