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Three Lebanese Journalists Killed In An Israeli Attack On...

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sandyRoe | 13:12 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
78 Answers

...a guest house in Southern Lebanon.

The Israelis do seem to think the ongoing butchery they're committing is best conducted with as little press coverage as possible.

Agree or not?



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 I prefer to call them barbarians.  

The Generals' Plan to clear the north of Gaza and then bomb it flat - I prefer to call it the Genocide Plan. It is I agree all in a name

sandyRoe, War is war - and this war was instigated by terrorists intent on the complete obliteration of Israel.  Perhaps you should turn your question on its head, imagine yourself an Israeli and ask how you would respond to that atrocious act of barbarism on 7 October and the continuing aggression - now on three fronts. 

If I read this thing correctly then the only absolute end will come when combatants of any stripe, apart from Israeli, are wiped from the face of the Earth and if that means vapourising anyone within the blast zone then so be it.

Very Old Testament, not at all what one might expect from enlightened, modern, caring human beings.

I guess we're all just still savages beneath the veneer.

Have a good war y'all.

All blood spilled in this present war lies firmly on the hands of the Hamas terrorists who started this whole sheet-show in the first place.

Douglas, none of us know how it will end ... but Hamas and its cohorts do have the option to surrender.  

do they?

Do they not?

i don't see how. if they surrender they'll just be killed anyway. 

and so will everyone left in gaza

I doubt that very much.   If Israel wanted to kill then all they would have done it.

they are doing it! 

Hamas can surrender and give back the hostages any time they like.

untitled: "if they surrender they'll just be killed anyway. " - if that was true their jails would be empty.

ok hamas surrenders. what do you honestly think would happen next? 

the PLO surrendered to israel in lebanon in august 1982. a month later this happened:

"why don't they surrender"... not a mystery imo

They had the architect of 7 Oct in jail until a few years back and released him on some sort of exchange deal. Why would they not have bumped him off when they had him?

there was a different government in power then

and israel was still supporting hamas at that point

Israeli jails are full of terrorists why are they still alive?

Untitled, if Hamas won't surrender - and it's not can't - it's won't - they are responsible for the continuing aggression.  

Israel is defending itself, heavy handed at times but they have processes, checks and balances. The terrorists of Hamas have no such rules you should not conflate the two.

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