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Three Lebanese Journalists Killed In An Israeli Attack On...

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sandyRoe | 13:12 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
77 Answers

...a guest house in Southern Lebanon.

The Israelis do seem to think the ongoing butchery they're committing is best conducted with as little press coverage as possible.

Agree or not?



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I've long ago come to the conclusion that you are, indeed, nothing more than your name spelt backwards suggests.

Report away.

Okay,hun,you have been reported.Dont do it again,hun.


If you insist on having such a complicated name that doesn;'t even make sense, then you might lose responses. Just saying.

sandyRoe, I am a supporter of Israel.  As for news from Gaza, if the worst is suppressed how come you know about it?

I'm not one to spout 'the rules', but sometimes it's necessary.  Rule 2 applies to preferred names.   Please take note.

how many would you see killed in order that one Hamas volunteer was numbered in the body count?




says the man who doesn't give a damn how many innocents are murdered by illegal migrants

Hands up anyone who believes the casualty figures released by the Hamas run health authority

I don't support Hamas, Hezbollah or Israel. They all kill far too many innocent people, and many other atrocities.

Killing journalists is just one of the recent ones. But the atrocities are relentless and continual ...


If you don't want to use ynnafymmi's full name, just put the time of her post you're responding to.

I found that after a while of using her name in full, I need only type "y" and my 'phone suggests her full name, ynnafymmi.

I just type I'm my fanny, backwards. Easy, and fitting ...

Lebonese reporters? Who Knew?

Meanwhile   ... The Wall Street Journal reported(by reporters) on Friday that Hamas rejected a hostage deal in which its leaders would have been offered safe passage out of Gaza in return for the release of all 101 of the remaining Israeli hostages in captivity.  No reporters from Gaza were involved in this revelation.   And ...   The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed on Saturday(today) that it had discovered a massive underground tunnel near the border in southern Lebanon that could have been used to stage an October 7-style attack against Israel. It must have taken years to construct and taken £squillions to finace it but it apparently went unoticed by the "local" news bringers. Are they trying to get a job at the Beep Breep See? 

Oh and whilst all this was happening Kamala Harris was at a Beyonce concert and Sleepy Joe Biden was on his way to a "vacation"( Petty Vacant by the Pistols comes to mind) in Delaware! Who is in attendance at the White House? The US was apparently informed of the strike. 

Yes, like they could make a difference ...

Just a question for all those still believing that Israel basically have free reign to do butcher relentlessly without it being anybody's fault other than Hamas: is there a point where you will say, okay, they've gone too far now?

> is there a point where you will say, okay, they've gone too far now?

Clearly not. Israel nukes Iran? That's obviously because of Hamas atrocities on October 7 2023 - nothing to do at all with the people who pressed the button. It's free rein, do what you like and blame somebody else ...

Ellipsis, thank you for answering the question not aimed at you. How about we learn what the intended recipients think rather than you answering for them?

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