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Three Lebanese Journalists Killed In An Israeli Attack On...

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sandyRoe | 13:12 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
77 Answers

...a guest house in Southern Lebanon.

The Israelis do seem to think the ongoing butchery they're committing is best conducted with as little press coverage as possible.

Agree or not?



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because they're not currently in the occupied territories. 

Israel isn't going to accept a hamas surrender naomi. it's not an option. 

And you know that, untitled?

by observing what they say and do

Untitled its a nice day why dont you go for a walk in the sunshine instead of worrying about these Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorists?

i've already been outside ynna. have you?

Untitled, you're talking nonsense.  You are not an oracle.

Have a day off untitled. There are channels Hamas can make it clear they want to surrender and hand back the hostages. Israel would accomodate that as any nation in history has handled surrender. 

You seem to want to paint Israel as the boogy men when in fact you must know they are the good guys doing us all a favour.

@13.27.Dont call me "Ynna",from now on address me as ynnafymmi or i will report you.

Ynnafymmi, I call you ynna but if you seriously object I'll make a point of using your full name in future.

Thank you naomi24,it was THECORBYLOON that started this.Anyone not calling me by my proper listed name will be reported to the Editors.

Okie dokie.

Okay,back to the question again since Untitled tried to derail it.Does the Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorist apologists on this site agree that it was the 7th October attack last year that started all this nastiness?


israel's finance minister has said quite openly that getting the hostages back is not israel's main war aim.

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The question isn't about the relevance of Oct 7th.  It's about Israel doing their murderous work away from the spotlight of publicity.

If you want to start a thread about Oct 7th you're free to do so.

sandyRoe, this isn't about them doing anything away from the spotlight of publicity.  We know about it.

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It's said a picture is worth a thousand words.

Pictures of dismembered women and children, the entirety of Gaza looking like Berlin at the end of WW2,

Might sway some opinions.

That's why Israeli works so hard to ensure we can't see the worst of what they do.

We see Gaza every day.  

@17.33.Remember call me ynnafymmi from now on sandyRoe,or you will be reported.

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My question at 11:46 was partly rhetorical, but would you care to answer it?

You do seem to be a supporter of Israel.

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