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About time ?

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Neilzulu1 | 16:46 Wed 09th May 2007 | News
201 Answers
After the abduction of that poor little girl in Portugal. Is it not time that we should adopt a complete zero tolerance on animals that prey on kids. I know it is not a foregone conclusion that it is indeed a nonce responsible, but i sadly feel it is but a matter of time until it is the case. I wish that we could bring back hanging for these b##tards. Kids should be safe all of the time. Parents should not have to worry about deviants . (Footnote) Please do not post comments regarding "why did the parents leave her there ?" as i am sure they will live with that for the rest of their lives.


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So you have met nonces then, well done. I would rather burn in hell. Another do gooder talking bo##ocks.
I agree laws should be more harsh for paedo's who prey on children but I don't think 'hanging' is the answer.... a bit too 'angry mob' mentality for me, instead, they should be monitored by the police for the rest of their lives, a far more rational response than 'hanging' one and all...
Paedo's will always exist whether you like it or not, its the parents who need to be more aware of this and take proper precautions for their children. If and when they fail to do so, the result is sadly quite predictable such as this story now

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Yes and that monitoring really works well. Life imprisonment as hanging sadly will never return AND I MEAN LIFE.
You do realize though that it won't stop peodophile crimes from happening altogether, what with careless unaware parents around, these crimes will keep going on, no matter what the punishment
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What the f#ck are you on about ? Careless parents....God you are deluded. Kill the dirty ba##ards, then we as parents will not have to worry about our kids every move. Stop making excuses for them for f#cks sake.
Calm down ffs, I'm not making excuses for them. Do you think hanging a few peodo's is going to make the problem go away? My point is for every peodo hung, another one is born, criminals and psychos will always be around no matter how harsh the punishment or law becomes. So its up to the parents to keep their children safe until someone comes up with a solution to rid the world of crime altogehter-dont hold your breath tho, actually do, it'll help you calm down
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Well stop the flippant careless parents crap. Every child has the right to freedom without these dirty bas#ards stalking them. The only way to stop them is by taking action now. Not standing by waiting for the mps to think up some lame law like it is now. Bring in Megans law, so we know where they are for a start. Then build a prison on a deserted island and lock them up for the rest of their life..........................or hang them!!
Calling the parents 'careless' is not being flippant, merely realistic. Like you need to be.
Children, as much as everyone wants, can never have a completely carefree life, without the supervision of parents every now and then, even more so in the evenings when most crimes occur (same for Maddy's case).
Its a fact of life, sad but very real.
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If we get rid of them from society, then there will be no problem.
i would gladly pull the lever that sends them through the trapdoor no problem.........................hey neilzulu good thread mate.....
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Tell you what m8, i wish more people in this country shared our views instead of worrying about how those dirty c#nts feel !!
couldnt agree more there are too many do gooders in this country shall we start a political party m8?lol
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Oh yes, how about.......HANG EM HIGH - party for normal people who want to rid the world of nonces.

Your command of bad language is iimpressive - well done on that...but there'as a flaw in your logic...

Putting paedophiles to death won't actually get rid of paedophilia, will it?

You wrote "If we get rid of them from society, then there will be no problem".

No it won't. All it will do is reduce the number of paedophiles by the number who are found and convicted.

It would ony be the tip of the iceberg surely?
By the way, could you define 'normal people'?
sp1814 of course hanging child killers/paedophiles would help try telling that to childrens parents who have become victims of this scum if we had the same laws as the united states you would soon see the abusing of children in this country reduce to almost nothing.i can define the meaning of normal people its people who dont kill and abuse children any people who do and think otherwise are abnormal and deserve to you think that if the death penalty was in force in the 1960s that hindley and brady would have done what they did? and countless of other cases where kids have been murdered.the death penalty is a deterrent and it should be brought back asap.........
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By the way, normal people are those who do not molest / rape innocent people. This thread is about getting rid of sex offenders. You say my command of bad language is impressive..... how would you know, you can not even spell it !!
But hanging them won't solve the problem silly, peodo's are born with mental problems, as if they are suddenly going to think ' oh no, they've brought hanging back, must stop and clean up my act at once' ....duh, i don't think so
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look, i have asked this about a million times on this thread.....where is your proof it is a mental illness....give us some facts. they are dirty bas#ards who need hanging.

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