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proud to be british

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dfward | 14:48 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | News
133 Answers
is it time to give britain back to the british. Boot out politically correct barstewards and give us , the caucasian british our country back. The money we will save on supporting scrounging foreigners and lives will be saved by booting out all ***** , muslims etc will enrich our lives and secure our future as a great nation


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I don't know if you are a trouble maker or a true racist, but either way there's something wrong with you in the brain dept.

Look in the mirror if you want to see the person responsible for your life, the same as we all have to do!
I don't need lessons in English sp. Many people bandy the word prejudice around, and Jane Austen used it to great effect. I don't understand why it is such an issue for people to have different coloured skins - unless and until they try to capitalise on it. It's very noticeable of course, a design fault on the part of our Creator. If I see a Chinese person in the street the first thing I notice is that he looks 'Oriental'. That's not racist, nor is it prejudice, it's just plain looking at what you see. I associate Chinese-looking people with high intelligence and often prodigious programming abilities but MSG-sodden food. Asian-looking people I associate with superb food and humour. Dark black people I associate with..... well what's the point of a list.

People look different and behave differently because THEY ARE DIFFERENT. Sorry about the shouting, but the 'anti-racist' movement wants to make everybody equal and the same even when they patently are not.
I am merely making a strong connection with the overall decline in this Country with the rise of immigration. That does not cover EVERY ill. Consecutive Government leaders have done the rest, such as no strict discipline allowed at schools.
God! Are you all members of Hitler youth, was the war for nothing? You should respect other races and cultures or go and live on an island somewhere, preferably all you racist ones together. 2007 and no progression for mankind - how sad.
but the fact we had no or very few immigrants then.

Nonsense. The UK may not have had as high an immigrant population as it has now, but the UK has always been built on waves of immigration. It was a Polish immigrant who discovered the Ripper's 3rd victim, for example (I think).

This country has had swarms of migrants of Jewish, Irish, Indian (and later Pakistani), Caribbean (again probably later) descent for well over a century, and people have always been complaining about them (though to be fair in very different contexts).

Sp1814 - is your name pronounced 'Splat'?

You've just agreed with me!

Like I said before...we all (including me) have prejudices.

Your example of thinking that a Chinese person looks Oriental doesn't make sense though. That's like thinking that someone with black skin is

Therefore, I'm not wholly sure of what point you're trying to make???

People are different sure - but it's wrong to label people because of their race.

That's the real issue.
A note on my previous post: I forgot Eastern Europeans and various other groups that don't spring to mind.
Here we go again, calling people racist, just because they speak out and have a different point of view to you.

Why should I respect other races and cultures when they do not respect this Country, want to enforce their ways and hide behind human rights. What about our rights?. It is not I and others that should be leaving - we were here first thank you!

'Splat' is a name given to me by China Doll and weirdly, although I've never given this away - that was my nickname at school.
I am not prejudiced (that horrible word) against people for whom there is no reason to have prejudged them. But white chav gangs have a track record of offering me violence oi mate, and black gangs have a track record of knifing and shooting each other while leaving me alone. I am not exactly thankful to them for this, I just recognise that they are different from me and legislation will not change that.

It is absolutely correct to label people according to their race - at the level of the ballot box.

C'mon - your original posts definitely blamed immigrants for declining standards in this country.

I've avoided the 'r' word in just about every post on this site, because...well now true racists hide behind that all enccompassing "I'm only speaking my mind" line.

I always get very suspicious of people who only see the bad in immigrants. That's always been a bit of a red flag to me.
But my point of view does not cause hatred or hurt to anyone, and as for you being here first Britain is a mongrel state made up of many different countries and races back to before the romans.

I'm not proud to be british if you and the others of your ilk are representative of it.

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Isis guys are entitled to their views you twerp just because you dont agree does not make them wrong misinformed or diluded......... look at youself first before engaging your tiny brain

A-ha!'ve just proved my point.

You talk about white chav gangs and black gangs right?

Well think about that for a second.

You aren't talking about race.

You're talking about social groups, and not racial groups.

Therefore if you walk down the street and you see a gang, white or black, your prejudice is against gangs - not against white kids or black kids?

Would you feel equally nervous about getting into a lift full of West African lawyers? Or Somalian chartered accountants?

If you did then you have a serious problem.

I doubt whether your would...unless of course you've been mugged by a gang of West African lawyers...or Somalian chartered accountants.
dfward - looks like you've started a highly emotive debate on Britishness.

That's good going - do you think any of those who agree with your statement in your question realise you're not actually British?
Do you know what amuses me, beyond almost anything else on this site?

It's the asinine notion that a majority of British people are being bullied into keeping their views silent by a minority derided for being pasta-knitting, tree-hugging, peaceniks.

�Hello, I�m a firm believer in old school values such as capital punishment and Enoch Powell�s �rivers of blood� speech, sending those Muslims home, and yes, goddamn it, Empire, yet I�m such a ball-less wimp that two blokes in CND cagouls and a dog-on-a-string are able to stop me from expressing my views, a-boo hoo, a-boo hoo hoo.�

�What did you do in the political correctness wars, Daddy?�
�Well son, I was all gung ho for sending �em back home, but a woman in a tie-dye t-shirt with a falafel stopped me in my tracks.�
'Did she stop you from saying your piece, daddy?'
'No. She heckled.'

Watch us bully you with opinions, facts and even ridicule - "Oooh run away, it's a mob of three lefties on the same thread, we're being oppressed".

Grow the f___ up, honestly. You're embarrasing.
I don't need to look to myself and I know the size of my brain thanks. The difference is blatently clear, my view is peaceful and yours is trouble enhancing.

After all if you don't like someone or somebody does something to you it is just how it is, and all people are good and bad according to individuality not race or religion.

I hope one day you change your mind about things ,as you pass these destructive views onto another generation.
Yes, I lay the blame on immigration for the declining standards, but immigration is a general term covering white, black, mixed race ,yellow etc. and does not mean a racist attitude.

If you look at the original post it says "Is it time to give Britain back to the British" I say yes because immigrants whether good or bad are flooding in and we are paying the price whether it be in overcrowded prisons, hospitals, and a decline in public services and available housing.

Now you're confusing me on a couple of levels.

I'd guess that a lot of people reading your original posts assume that by immigrants, you weren't talking about say, Canadians, Americans or Australians.

I thought you means imnmigration from the West Indies, Pakistan etc - ie. the non-white immigrants.

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