i think most people who faced with a burglar sticking half way through your window, would push him back out again or pick something up to knock him out - what else? stand there and wait for him to get in then hit him?
thats assuming that this is what happened.
if this guy was already inside and this man forcibly threw him out a 3 storey window - that seems a bit oevr the top - but also understandable.
if the man was powerful enough to throw someone out of a window, then surely he is powerful enough to detain and call for help....?
its so hard to judge without all the facts and these are just one mans word.
in the heat of what would clearly be a terrifying moment, i would think it is very easy to over react - i mean you wouldn't have time to consider all eventualities would you?
You would totally be in fear for your life, because you are suddenly woken, in shock, terrified, probably in darkness and you have no idea of their intentions or whether they are armed - you can't be expected to perform a thorough assessment!!
i think it needs to stay a criminal offence though - but has to be regarded as mitigating circumstances - as allowing people to kill burglars opens up a whole new set of problems - people will undoubtedly take advantage, and may even create ' fake' burglaries, in order to legally murder their enemies
(i,e, kidnap someone they hate, break a window, then kill them and claim they were breaking in)
they'd become a daily occurrence in some places!