Well said, Joy11: Mani Hussain is obviously living in a sanitised bubble and wearing rose-tinted spectacles where there needs to be a logical reason for any conflict which has ever taken place since time immemorial!
It's high time s/he woke up, smelled the coffee, and realised that our military are entitled to march ANYWHERE within the United Kingdom, no matter how many Muslims (or ANY other religious groups) are living there. Why should the parade be "highly inflammatory", Mani? It's not as if it was the BNP, no, it was men and women who have been to war zones defending everything we in Britain hold dear, in other words defending the rights of free speech, of freedom from injustice and terrorism.
It's called DEMOCRACY, something patently lacking in most if not all Muslim dominated societies. If Mani doubts that assertion, why not ask any female or homosexual living in such countries!!!!!!!!!!! Or, better still, why not go and experience life there? I'm sure that when you returned, IF you returned, your views would have radically changed.