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fear for my grandchildren

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Joy11 | 21:31 Wed 11th Mar 2009 | News
106 Answers
I bet I'm not alone here, I was one of the "lucky" generation who haven't witnessed war but the way things are going in my countryy I fear for my grandchildren from the enemy within, What has happened in Luton is making people want to join BNP, but if they dare to voice their opinion.....what then, I wish this bloody Goverment would get some backbone....enough is enough!!!


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wow joy, from a shrinking violet to this!

get you hard hat on i think you're gonna need it .
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I'm ready for 'em NoMercy lol
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and No K too, I was really sickened by it
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must be that annoyed I got your name mixed up Soz
The trouble is that the tail has wagged the dog in this country for far too long!

Those Luton "protesters" were given carte blanche to scream and shout some vile insults at our returning troops, not to mention their grossly insulting placards which were incitement to racial hatred in my view!

What, I ask, would have happened had a load of squaddies turned up outside a mosque shrieking all sorts of abuse and with placards bearing caricatures of the prophet Mohammed? Mmmmmmmhhhhhhh, I wonder?

Courts Martial galore!!!! Plus civil prosecutions without shadow of a doubt!

No wonder some thoroughly disenchanted people in this country are driven into the ranks of the BNP!!!

let's get this in proportion - this was a small group of extremists who have been roundly condemned by groups speaking for the overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country.
Not all kags, some Muslim groups have been speaking up in support of them. I don't see many Muslims taking to the streets to condemn these people as people have taken to the streets in N Ireland to protest against the recent killings there.

There is a small but vociferous group of Muslims who make the papers every few weeks when something hacks them off.

Do you really expect the hundreds of thousands of moderates to take a day off work to assuage our moral outrage at a drop of a hat?

Besides which, there's a hell of a difference between speaking out against murder and speaking out against a group of lowlifes protesting against returning soldiers.
By the way, remember the London tube bombings? I read Metro newspaper and in the week following it, there was a flood of letters written by Muslims distancing themselves from extremists and urging a dialogue between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

Doesn't ever register though - I think that whatever moderates do, they'll always be slated.

It's very disappointing.
There were how many protesting, fifteen to twenty? The Muslim Council of Britain said to-day

The MCB is appalled at media reports of the scenes at a homecoming parade for British soldiers in Luton on 10th March 2009. This small minority do not speak for Muslims but instead provide fodder for Islamophobes keen to drive a wedge between Britons.

Secretary General Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said, "Whilst we understand the deeply held and widespread opposition to the disastrous war in Iraq, the Muslim Council of Britain condemns any form of protest where individuals are harmed or threatened. The 'protestors' did not speak for the majority of people who opposed that war."

"British soldiers are simply carrying out orders on behalf of the government of the day. They have endured and sacrificed much, and we are glad they are back home", added Dr Abdul Bari.
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is this something to do with a 'Marsh estate'?
And guess who were arrested? - two white people - not the hatred inciting, placard carrying Muslims of course. Must be careful not to cause them outrage (again). They have us by the short and curlies and they will exploit this to the full.
The two arrested were BNP members. They said they were there to welcome home the soldiers. Yeah right!!!
And how do you know that the 2 bnp members wasnt there to weclome the soliders home?
Distateful as the protests were, they weren't actually doing anything illegal.

What did the BNP members do? That wasn't actually shown on the news.
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I wonder what would happen if some British protestors went to Iraq to vent their feelings?

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