Damn! I think the goverment should make them jog for their benefit money and even then give them food vouchers that can only be changed for low fat unprocessed foods,because if this family puts on any more weight theres a real danger of one of them falling into the sea and causing a tsnaumi!
How the hell can you be too fat to work. They could get a job sitting down easily.
The goverment in this country are crap. Their on about getting more people into work, and then they go and dish out benfits to them and make us who are working pay for it.
The first year she sang the song from titanic. My god it was awful that's why I remember it. Don't remember last year but it was no improvement even though she had singing lessons! (Where did that money come from, eh?)
And she was not wearing the wedding dress type thing she wore the first year.
AND did you see they got evicted from their house for over 100 complaints of her singing all day and at 3am!
Sad part is they are not the only people who are like that. I'm surprised she didn't sue Simon Cowell for having a go at her and making her comfort eat.