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Why do I have to pay for prescriptions....twice!...

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R1Geezer | 14:08 Fri 08th Oct 2010 | News
54 Answers
When workshy scum and immigrants who have never contributed a groat get it free?


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And what I think the Geezer means about paying twice (as he tried to explain in words of one syllable at 14:17) is that he pays once via his NI contributions and then again in cash at the chemist. Of course his initial payment via NI unfortunately pays not for his own drugs but for everybody else’s. This is presumably because he is considered too well off, or not...
14:46 Fri 08th Oct 2010
I have a pre-paid prescription card, I pay one yearly fee. It works out a fair bit cheaper for me.
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redhelen, when I say NI I mean National insurance, capiesch?
yeah so will pay the prescription price the best of my knowledge is around £7 not £2
Ah, and sure enough here comes R1's little nodding dog fellow fascist to back him up - you, Youngmafbog probably don't know the meaning of the word because your'e living it.
VHG, I have experience of the same thing whilst building in Nottingham. I was given so many cheats by asians was unbelievable. Also one in particular was very proud of using the race card. He considered it a joke. None were your muslim draped types either all were westernised. And no I dont have anything against muslims I coutn quite a few amongst my friends just trying to coutner the usual critism on this site.
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I haven't been rude helen
yeah right
AP, still apart from abuse you have contributed nothing.

why is that I wonder?

Debate man, not just libel.
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Yes cherry I have to pay £7+ for what actually costs £2.
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Cherry you don't have a choice you have to have a prescription and that' £7+
-- answer removed --
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Please explain helen, I apoligise if I came across as rude. You said in NI it was free and I thought that you thought that when I mentioned NI I was talking about Northern Ireland, I was in fact menaing National insurance. When I said I paid twice I meant I paid my NI contributions and then I paid for my prescriptions. Please examine my posts and you will see that.

I am not the rude one on this thread, It is a genuine question and I hope the rest of the UK follow suit soon and we all get free prescriptions.
That's all i was asking , i would actually agree with you, is the item something that has to be used in a certain amount of time as i have been told(not sure how true) that your doctor can put a higher quantity of the item on your prescription thus meaning still one item but more of it and hence same £7 charge (just an idea) ask him/her next time you see them.
Ok - the two of you regularly make sweeping generalisations based on one or two experiences you claim to have had. You Youngmafbog are reminding me of some neck-tattoed Milwall fan I had the misfortune of working with once.
Regularly he would spout bitter anti-immigrant rubbish if ever he saw a well dressed black or Asian person. I remember one of his comments as we were overtaken by a black bloke in a flashy BMW "How do they do it ? gotta be benefit fraud drugs innit!"
..this is what I mean Geezer "geddit" "capiech" - fascist DOGMA.
"I am not the rude one on this thread": "so answerplonker".
You started this name calling - hypocrite.
She's right, you ARE a nasty little man.
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Yes cherry I get 3 months at a time so it doesn't cost that much but it just irks me that I have to pay when most don't.
And what I think the Geezer means about paying twice (as he tried to explain in words of one syllable at 14:17) is that he pays once via his NI contributions and then again in cash at the chemist. Of course his initial payment via NI unfortunately pays not for his own drugs but for everybody else’s. This is presumably because he is considered too well off, or not sufficiently “disadvantaged” to have his provided as part of his NI payments.

It is a great pity (and somewhat incomprehensible), answerprancer, that you consider Geezer’s question reeks of “...more drooling bitter fascism in action”. Bitter it may be (and I believe he is perfectly entitled to be bitter). But I cannot see how you can suggest he was “drooling” (dribbling, salivating) as we cannot see him. As for “fascism” (totalitarianism, oppression, tyranny): is it really tyrannical to suggest that if things are to be provided free at the point of delivery, they might at least be provided free to those people who have contributed to the fund that pays for them?

I don’t think so. But if you are foolish enough to believe such a scheme is OK, you might at least have the decency not to denigrate others who may not share your view.

Your point is perfectly valid, Geezer. And you may well extend it to those in other parts of the UK who all receive free prescriptions when the vast majority of the funding to support such a scheme comes from English taxpayers who do not share the privilege.
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I think all that racism is finally warping your brain AP.
...notice, I haven't reported your abusive response like you did with my one (which didn't even contain any name calling).

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