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Royal Engagement - The 'hurrah' thread.

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jackthehat | 12:30 Tue 16th Nov 2010 | News
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William seems to all intents and purposes to be his father's son.

Add in marrying into the most publicly disfunctional family on the planet, and the omens are not good.

But let's wish the young couple well, and hope they can work through the obstacles that are already in the way of their hapiness.
congrats to them both x
I'm very happy for them. It's nice to have some good news.
"William seems to all intents and purposes to be his father's son".

A Hewitt, through and through? lol.
It's great that he's actually been allowed to choose his own wife. Perhaps her family isn't the most desirable - neither she nor they would have been considered suitable at all a generation or so back - but perhaps the establishment has finally learnt its lesson. Good luck to Kate and William. I wish them well and I hope they'll be very happy together.
Wrong chap Naz.
Brilliant!!! Will we all get a national holiday like they did for his mum and dad's wedding? I didn;t get to have that one as I had already started my maternity leave ffor my first born! are certainly on form today.....what has William got to do with the "Hewitts?"
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<jth - clears throat>
naz - You don't seem to have been following the news very closely over the past little while...........that ridiculous speculation is over Harry...........

...........and should be on the 'other' thread !
-- answer removed --
... and neither has Harry, don't be so horrible.
Hurrah for the happy couple. Will we get a day off work for the wedding?
The announcement on the British Monarchy facebook page just names Charles, he should have added camilla maybe? perhaps not, what's the usual when it's a step-parent?
Oh, was it Harry? ... it's not something that was deemed important enough to remember (obviously), lol.
Ha ha! Very good Ludwig. Same sentiment on both threads - almost. :o)
What date has been pencilled in for the divorce?
Good luck and congratulations to them both :-)
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Oi, New Judge !

Off to the other thread with you !
Well I think it will do the country good - everyone likes a good wedding. I remember when Charles and Di got married there was a real party atmosphere and it was world news.

And I hope Wills' snobby mates will stop making comments such as "doors to manual" in Kate's presence now.
The Wicked Fairy has arrived with a wedding present(as they will no doubt forget MY invitation?)

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