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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
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ToraToraTora First freeze them to death, then nick what remains of their pension. Can you imagine the uproar if a Tory... ...
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ToraToraTora How can it possibly be any sort of "..ophobic" merely to remind people of what... ...
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sandyRoe I think many young people would be prepared to defend their country, but there'd also be... ...
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ToraToraTora Yep here's the list of the top 20. The no 1 will come as no surprise but look at nos 3,4 and 5, yep we are funding Islamic... ...
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Sir Keir Starmer is set to pay a visit to EU Headquarters Brussels. Next  week in a bid to reset relationships with the EU.The PM has lined up talks with Ursula von der Leyen after the pair met at... ...
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webbo3 Keir Starmer Covid broadcast urging work from home came from donor’s £18m penthouse Sorry its... ...
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ToraToraTora Yep it's good old spiteful Labour. Why is he banned? For posting this: "I don’t think anyone should go to the UK when they’re releasing convicted... ...
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ToraToraTora Why do they care so much about their rear end? We've gone from "Does my bum look big in this" to "Please make my bum look big in anything" -... ...
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webbo3 Another mess up by Labour ...
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gramps85 Yet another donation has come to light, I wonder how many more, he, or members of his Cabinet will... ...
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Who could possibly have known? From Private Eye issue 951, dated May 1998 ‘Secretaries have been flown to Paris, plied with gifts and champagne and then sexually propositioned.  In October 1993 he... ...
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ToraToraTora The Labour conference voted to reverse the WFA fiasco. Less than 3 months after being elected. The... ...
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webbo3 ...
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Is Brexit quietly making a comeback nearly five years after Johnson declared it was all over and done with.Eu officials are attending a gathering in force with representatives from Germany.France... ...
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...ahead of possible conference... ...
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CrapatCryptics2   Maybe he should chase rent and council tax arrears as well. They throw benefits at people on low... ...
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How grim can you get            ...
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//Public health minister Andrew Gwynne said the government was looking into "tightening up the hours of operation" of bars and pubs. It comes in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour and boost... ...
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webbo3 Didn't take them long ...

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