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Will it all fall on deaf ears?

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anotheoldgit | 17:29 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | News
45 Answers

David Cameron tells us that the terrorist threat to Britain is "as serious as it has ever been".

/// He also suggests that Britain faces fundamental questions about why young Muslims continue to be drawn into violent extremism. The Islamic community must help address how their minds are "poisoned", he says. ///

Will the indigenous population sit up and take notice, let alone the moderate Islamic community?


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Sandy, yes exactly. The people do still have to live in their communities, and apart from the loyalty issue, that's another of the reasons the moderate Mulsim won't inform upon his neighbour.

Your posts don't advocate murder, but you seem surprised that you are perceived to be ignoring and exusing the intent of the people who do.

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Pastor Martin Niemöller
let me see, I'm a troll, I've taken leave of my senses, I'm an utter imbecile. Vicious personal attacks are so often a sign of people infuriated by someone who dares to disagree with them. In their ideal country I would have been denounced (secretly) for dissident tendencies long ago and whisked off to the gulag.

Abuse away, you know it makes your argument stronger!
Someone reading Pastor Niemuller's words in this thread might be forgiven for thinking that the Devil can quote scripture for his own purpose.
Terrorists can plant bombs, kill some people, and leave their families with a lifetime of grief, but they won't change this country. What might change it is an over the top reaction to terrorism. Identity cards, house arrest, and detention without trial are all steps to a sort of society I'd not be happy to live in.
jno, but the non-argument you offer which amounts to nothing more than an ill-thought out statement or two doesn't make your argument stronger, jno. You may disagree with Birdie - and me - but you give no reason for doing so and therefore your objection becomes even more ridiculous.
Jno - “Vicious personal attacks are so often a sign of people infuriated by someone who dares to disagree with them.”

If you are referring to me calling you an 'imbecile' as a 'vicious personal attack' then you clearly have never been viciously verbally attacked. There were a great many other things I could have said about a person who seems satisfied with the Islamic community staying silent whilst an openly radicalised individual preaches in his local mosque about his hatred of none muslims. People are not angry with you because you disagree with them. They are angry because you're talking apologist nonsense.

And as for your comment, “... In their ideal country I would [be] … whisked off to the Gulag...”, give me a break. The truth is much more rational, mundane and boring – shouldn't every citizen of the UK be doing everything we can to prevent religious lunatics from blowing themselves and others up?

Without getting melodramatic Jno, how annoyed would you be if some religious nutter (who could have been stopped, if only someone had bothered to report him or her to the authorities) blew themselves up and took you with them? To be forcibly ejected from this existence by some loon that you'd spent time and effort in defending? How infuriating would that be?

If you were still alive, you'd be livid.

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