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A Little Known Fact

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starone | 21:49 Mon 25th Feb 2013 | Jokes
8 Answers
The first testicular guard (“box”) was used in cricket in 1874

And the first helmet was used in 1974.

Just imagine, it took 100 years for men to realise that their brains could be as important as their balls!!!



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Have to wipe my laptop screen now Starry!!
21:53 Mon 25th Feb 2013
Have to wipe my laptop screen now Starry!!
Lovely, star
Is it?
Or rather:
Are they?
Brilliant Star
lol, star. I've heard that some used to put the cricket 'box' at the back.
Sugar ***** Sugar. I went to send that to a mate and sent it to someone I shouldnt have. Sugar.
Oh dear BM hope it wasn't your boss.

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