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cupid04 | 20:08 Mon 26th May 2014 | Jokes
16 Answers
A man goes to his doctor's surgery complaining he has something stuck up his backside. Upon examination, the doctor finds a £10 note lodged firmly inside his back passage. He pulls it out, then another...then pulls out a whole load of notes. 'How much money is there altogether?' the man asks.
'Let's see,' the doctor replies, counting up. 'There's £1,990 in all.' 'Ah well, that would explain it,' the man declares. 'I told you I wasn't feeling too grand!'


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That's what I call dirty money!
I haven't laughed so much since Septimus Sawyer put a ferret under Lady Mary's crinoline!
Less of the wise cracks, Psybbo ;-)
Yes Tony, I'm cracking up cupid's wind-up?
Waves to Pixie :-)
Question Author
Oi leave my wind out of it!!
Bit of a bummer though, not getting the full two grand.
His chances? Wrecked 'em!
sounds like he had piles of money

LOL - and best answer to bernie too
well, he made a real ass of himself
A tenner says he couldn't take any more.

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