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How To Find Out The Future In A Relationship?

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Jenn04444 | 15:15 Fri 05th Jan 2018 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers
I have a boyfriend and we are dating for 3 years now, I am almost 27 and he is almost 10 years older than me, we met online and he met my parents and I met his family, in the beginning we have talked about many things to get to know each other better and about the future, we have talked about kids and one time when we just started to meet up, my mom was at the first few meet ups before we were officially a couple, and in an occasion my mom asked him a random question about when is he going to move out (he lives with his mom and siblings) and he said that he will eventually move out, and I am still wondering when exactly does that mean. In my personal life I am currently living with my parents and not working right now because I am the main caregiver looking after my mom who has a mental illness, my dad is working and is going on retirement in about 3 years, I have told my boyfriend this when he asked about my parents. We have been buying gifts for each other occasionally and one time I gave him a gift, it was a mini souvenir from when I went on a trip and on it it wrote "I made a wish and you came true", he was very thankful for it but after he read it he told me right away that he isn't perfect, but I said that I am not perfect either, and in another occasion he asked me if I am ever going to leave him for someone else but that was just one time he asked me that, and I said no and that he is my only one, and on another occasion he had an issue with his brother and didn't know what to do in the situation and said that because he isn't a parent yet, now I am in no rush to move out or get married and we haven't talked about the future in detail yet but I am a bit uncertain about the future even though our relationship is holding strong we are texting daily and meeting up on dates when possible. I would like to know others advice and opinions before I talk about this with my partner.


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advice about what?
Question Author
Advice about what would be the best way to bring this topic up with my partner about what would be of our future.
well, you could say "what would be our future then?"
Or..." how do you see us in the future "( or ten years from now ).
He is 37 years old and still lives with his parents, you are 27 years old and still live with your parents.....whilst I understand that you care for your mother now, it would appear that you have never lived away from home. At what point is the need for you to care for your mother going to end? I suspect it may be some years in the future as you do the work simply for your bed and board..... your boyfriend still has not got an independent life...I do wonder if his mum does all his cooking, cleaning and washing etc...I don't know if you both are ready for the marriage etc and am concerned that you would take the place of his mum if she does everything for him.....that would not be a partnership in my opinion.
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How To Find Out The Future In A Relationship?

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