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My Doctor

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Patsy33 | 17:37 Fri 16th Nov 2018 | Jokes
8 Answers
My doctor told me that I'd be lucky to reach 50.
That's the last time I give him a lift in my Robin Reliant


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I thought you had a Skoda......
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Oi! I'm going to gave to put my foot down!...
why do they have a rear-heated windscreen - to keep your hands warm while you push the car
A guy went to see his doctor who advised him to give up smoking and masturbation. The guy said that would be very difficult as I'm a twenty a day man and smoke like a fkn trooper.
It's not a Robin Reliant, it's a Reliant Robin.
I bet you were singing, "Three wheels on my wagon."
Very good. Congratulations. Visit this website to get information about your issue, and if you were satisfied, then you can use their services and medical packages. wish you success;)
Lol, hark at Stocksman.

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