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Unusual Beauty Treatments

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naomi24 | 12:44 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Have you heard of any?  I used to know a girl who always washed her hair in a mixture of Daz soap powder and raw beaten egg.  I never tried it myself but her hair was fabulous!



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Wash your hair with eggs? Is that how they get it in a bun? 
14:03 Sat 10th Aug 2024

I'd a schoolfriend whowashed her hair in Daz - but that was because they were so poor she couldn't aford shampoo. Egg, I don't know about - except for egg whites being good face-masks.

Hardly a beauty treatment but when I was 10 and just back from being evacuated  my mother used to rinse my hair after washing with ammonia  !!  Eeek !! very dilute I hope and I've no idea of the reason behind it 

Wash your hair with eggs? Is that how they get it in a bun? 

Goodun Togo - that made me laugh x

Blondes are supposed to try finishing their last rinse with tomato sauce to avoid a greenish look.

I use snail mucin products from S Korea on my skin every night.

I think the protein in eggs is said to be good for hair.

Here we go...

Thanks for that Naomi. To make the bun do you use a honeycomb?  🐝

A friend of my sister used soap powder and her hair was fabulous as well.

My Auntie used to rinse her girls hair in Comfort conditioner for clothes! Their long hair always looked healthy & shiny 😃

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