Some Riddles
Q: What stays in the corner all the time but travels around the world?
A:Postage Stamps.
Q: What gets quickly wet while drying?
A: The towel.
Q: How do you throw an egg on the floor without cracking it?
A: Unless you have very bad floors, throw the egg any which way. The floor shouldn’t crack even if the egg does.
Q: There’s a man who can tell the exact score before every soccer match. How on earth does he do that?
A: The score before every soccer match is known to everyone. It is always 0:0.
Q: When you take 2 out of 3 apples away, how many apples do you have?
A: The 2 apples you’ve taken. (No not one as you thought.)
Q: What is the longest word in the English language?
A: Smiles. There’s a whole mile between the two Ss.