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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
817 Answers
Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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42 :)
22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
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Yessss!! He made the 200!

Are you kidding me?! You don't put the heating on?! Are you nuts?! I'd be dead! I have logs on the fire AND the heating on! What a chilly mortal! Haaa!
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Putting cold hands on your neck? Oh, I really don't like people who do things like that and think it's funny! It isn't - well at least not for me - miserable old bat that I am! :o)
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For the lady with a cold hand I have just the thing

Two cold hands you say? Humm, I know I've got another one around here somewhere . . .
I was almost scared to open that Mibs! ;0)

I can confirm London was indeed a ghost town... Well my office was anyway. I hate snow. And cold. :c(
But she was quite relieved when she did! Sorry, couldn't resist it.

I won't give you a thought for toniight. Seems Starman has already provided one. ;o)

Night everyone ... sleep tight. x
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Blimey .... nothing all day but tumbleweed.

Night. x

Found you!
I'm on 2 days holiday and going to do lots of sleeping!
Yesterday was the coldest I have ever been in my life! The low temps and the strong wind blowing off the Mersey, took such a toll on everybody, and our graciuos employer doesn't even supply warm coats! I wear an old oil slicked coat and old rags wrapped around my neck. I bought a balaclava which helps, and God bless the inventor of thermal underwear, without which I would be like a lolly ice!
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Theland, Subscribe to question makes this thread accessible in my profile. Usually works well so long as you subscribe to only a few questions.

China added this to here favorites . . . I like to pretend it was because of me! :o)
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. . . well I'm sure it wasn't for my spelling ~o">
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ahem, forgot to leave a trail . . . . . . . . . . . ~o">
Theland? Ohhhhh Theeeeeeeeeland? Where's he gone?

(Just between us, Starman, I suspect you are China's favourite).

Forgot to leave a trail? What are you? A snail?

Got to go to bed. I'm really tired - and I'm going into the Twilight Zone tomorrow - in more ways than one. ;o)

Night everyone. x

My brain is riddled, and Stars talks in lingo-difficulto, so I'm none the wiser. Lost my reading glasses, so computer screen is a great big blugggghhrrrr but I try!
Second day of 2 day holiday, lager and Nytol to send me to sweet oblivion, - I hope. Not well lately.
Need a ten minute sortie into the wine cellar! Did you bring it with you? Hope so!
An emotional time. our eldest cat, a Siames is on her last legs. 17 and ailing. I think it would be kind to let her go and be put tro sleep, but Mrs T loves her so much - well - imagine!
Sometimes,, I would like to be put to sleep!

Save on Nytol and lager!
Must find those glasses - screen is a blur! See ya'll later I hope!
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Repeat to increase BLUR size

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