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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
817 Answers
Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
Blimey Luna, you're early! And stop calling that woman Bedbug! It's not nice! :o)

Theland, I've got to ask. Why are you wrapping old rags around your neck? I know it's cold, but why don't you just buy a thick scarf or two?

Starman, I have been to the Twilight Zone - twice. One trip was very amusing, but the other was....well.....The Twilight Zone. My brain is still frazzled!

Night everyone. x
Flipping heck! What is this place coming to? Can everyone really be busier than me? The tumbleweed is collecting in corners and is mounting so high I can hardly see over it.

Now look here! The last thing I want to do is nag .... but seeing as I'm going to bed now, the last thing I will do is nag!! Must try harder!!!!!

Night. x
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The If thing weren't so bad either . . . was it?
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Everybody hide!
What was(n't) I thinking?
Aaaarghhhh! Noooooooo! What have you done?!!!!!
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It's bloody freezing in Penzance for the record! I've not been warm since thursday...
Erm... I was sort of expecting some form of instant sympathy actually!
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Luna banging on about mutiny? You in Penzance? What the flipping heck are you doing in Penzance in the middle of winter? Not been kidnapped by pirates, have you?

Oh no! Luna!! Put that chocolate down this minute. A rescue plan needs to be hatched right now! Ohhh .... I'll bet she's abandoned her knitted swimsuit in favour of a fetching little number in skull and crossbones design, with shoes to match, and she is, as we speak, walking the plank thinking it's a catwalk!
Phew... Did you know that catwalk was a plank?! Madness... I've returned to the concrete jungle, much easier to walk in heels on concrete than on the beach.

My grandad lives there, I went to see him as he's a bit poorly at the moment but he does poorly the same way I do.. Which means cancelling hospital appts, being grumpy and belligerent, insisting there's nowt wrong with him and spending far too much time in the pub! Bless him...
A chip off the old block, obviously. ;o)

Night everyone, x

He proposed to me twice this weekend... Admittedly he does keep forgetting I'm his grandaughter though and is each time quite upset to find out he can't legally wed a 'nice bit of stuff' like me... I come from blue blood stock as you can tell! ;0)
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Naomi, Luna, cover your eyes . . .

China, "Incest is best!" . . . or so I've been told . . . by my sister. Of course I doubt that I would have shared that if I knew it to be true. Some secrets are better kept in the family . . . although I'm sure it was only meant in a relative way.

OK, so I'm not the only one in my family with a depraved sense of humour . . . but that's as far as it goes . . . unless my brother knows something I don't. Hopefully that's one bit of knowledge I will never acquire first hand . . . "not that there's anything wrong with that!"

Hmmm, That's a funny way to talk for someone who's virtually handed out keys to the sanctuary to everyone in ab-land.

OK, You can open your eyes now! And Naomi, if you peeked I reckon there'll be less fascination with details regarding my personal life in the future . . . although I'm sure that could only have served to peak Theland's curiosity.

Hey, In case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a pk . . . and the youngest of the bunch so, they did it (no, not that) to me, so, "I'm entitled". In the words of my dear father, "It will be a miracle if you don't kill someone sooner or later". Well look who's dead now . . . and I haven't killed anyone, not even myself . . . yet. Hmm, I may have just figured out why I'm so incompetent . . .

Naomi, U got mail.

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