As promised:
The law of identity states, �А is A.� . . .
or is it?
Well of course things are what they are. But then things are not always and necessarily what they might at first appear to be.
These three A�s:
while they are visually rendered identically with most fonts they are respectively Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters with different character codes. This distinction is apparently not taken into account by answerbank�s censorbot.
This provides another useful advantage in that it enables me to represent the familiar link modifying form with which you are familiar (although it might have alluded memory with lack of use):
<а hrеf=url>text</а>
If I had typed this using standard keyboard characters it would have been interpreted as the real thing and would therefore appear like this:
There now, see? Even a sneaky conniving scoundrel like me can be trusted . . .
sometimes . . .
Incidently, I do not typically use the f*** term indiscriminately. I have far too much respect for the term and the act it specifies to exploit it frivolously or to use it to express my distaste for/of lesser qualities.