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Irish Mail On Sunday

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skyplus | 10:18 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

2d Pistol for Winter Olympian L?G?R

7d A pathological desire to be working E?G???O?A

18d Norwegian  or Farose legislature  ?A?T?I?G

12 Tram driver ?O?O???N


Thank you all in advance



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2d Luger

12 seen as Motorman

7d Ergomania ?

2 Luger

18 Logting?

//The Løgting is the unicameral parliament of the Faroe Islands, an autonomous territory within the Danish Realm. Parliament of the Faroe Islands.//

I've also seen it called Storting, but that doesn't fit, either.

^ Is that only Norwegian, newmodarmy?

Question Author

Lagting looks perfect but there are 8 spaces. Any other spelling?

answered before as lagthing - Norwegian upper chamber

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Irish Mail On Sunday

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