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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening to all members , old and older.

There is yet again no speaker arranged for this week. (I blame the Committee).

Raffle prizes are a little thin at the moment, but no doubt will flesh out as the evening progresses.
So far we have:

A box of wafer thin mints
A roll of tissue paper (white)
Half a packet of sewing needles.

No doubt our usual array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly, courtesy of our dear Matron and the furry butler.

Apologies have been received from Petal who has been transported to a galaxy far, far away.
No word so far of ttfn, who has been so frequently rusticated that I fear for her colouring.


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You two and General MacArthur, then...
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Well, I'm off to bed now .

Thanks for all the laughs and see you all again next week, if we're spared .

Early night, milady - night night ♥
Night Milady, I will see to the late nighters and the football crowd when they come in wanting their supper.
I am rustling up some nice Pasties for when they roll back in, maybe with mushy peas too.
Goodnight. Moths On The Door do not appeal.
Moyhs dear? have you no balls?
cough, cough

Pardon me but any chance of a small medicinal tot at this late hour Mamya?
Well hallo Ena, certainly - have they taken your tag off?
Not yet - rag and bobtail were here a moment ago ...
My eyesight must be going downhill fast ;)
I trust the Courvoisier is still hidden in the same place? Perhaps you would care to join me in a small libation Matron?
That would be great and don't those pasties smell good.
excuse me. i believe matron is on duty !!!!
Thank you but one will pass on the pasties - one couldn't manage another morsel today, but one is aware of a slight but definite thirst ☺
Am I too late to be let in. Have just made 2 dozen yorkshire puddings and a cheese and garlic loaf. Also have a bottle (almost a bottle) of Tescos Australian Red.
I could rustle up some onion gravy for the yorkies.
Will pass on the Tesco red ta, would you like a glass or a straw.
Any buttling needed?
I am back and Ttfn has been freed how lovely. Anything to eat? I could consume a horse
What aree you members like! One mention of a decent cognac and you all come running back in ;) Good evening giveup, your Maj and dear Alex x ladyalex will be having a seizure when she peruses the minutes next.
Tesco red seems to have evaporated, have got some home made sloe gin.

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